Daily Mail - These are New York's 'Freegans', who enjoy the world's cheapest barbecues, having scavenged their food solely from dustbins. Freeganism, which began in the mid-1990s, is an anti-consumerist lifestyle where people employ alternative living strategies - and these New Yorkers showed how to have a free summer feast...The Big Apple members - many of whom have high-earning jobs by day - spend their evenings bin-diving to collect fresh produce discarded by cafes and supermarkets. The group, who organise monthly 'trash tours' so that people can seek the best places for free food, sourced potatoes, peppers, packaged salads, yogurts, pasta, bread rolls and hummus and made their own burgers and barbecue food from the ingredients.
Guessing you won't find these "Freegan trash tours" in Zagats guide or in the NY Tourism books...
Actually, this seems pretty reasonable, I mean the supermarkets and restaurants would have sold it to me if I'd showed up 20 minutes earlier before they closed....Is what I'd be saying if I was jobless and homeless...you people have jobs, buy some proper fucken food and go cook dinner! Christ.
I'm all about being frugal, and I'd love to tryout this extreme couponing schtick (still waiting for an extreme couponer to take me up on my offer and teach me for a weekend), but I 100% draw the line at eating carrot sticks and humus and shit that I just picked out of street garbage...to each their own I guess, but you should know I find that fucking gross.
Yea, I get it that it was just in the store on the shelves 30 minutes ago, but call me crazy, soon as that food hits the black plastic liner of a trash bag, its garbage to me...Maybe I'm just picky, or maybe these people aren't working with a full deck of cards, I don't know.
Just do me a favor and don't invite me to your next BBQ, I think I'll sit that one out.