Friday, June 3, 2011

Wake Up With Everything In America Sucks Video!

Figured I'd start things off nice and cheery for Friday...

I wanted to be with the Todd (the singer/songwriter from what I gather), I really did, all that shit does suck.  I bitch and moan a lot and this music video pretty much covered the gamut of general gripes I have. 

That said, any country where someone can make a mildly popular internet music video based on Sec. Treasury Paulson dressed in drag, solely based on bitching and moaning about how everything sucks and has gone to hell, well that's a great country.  Gives hope that maybe a mildly popular blog based solely on bitching and complaining can make it in this crazy world.

China and North Korea may lead the world in happiness, but I'll take a land where you're free to gripe, bitch, moan and complain as often and as vocally as you want to, any day of the week.  

Awesome use of charts