Ladies been flying over nights for 10 years straight. She'll snap quicker than that thin elastic band. You see those crazy eyes? Just shutup and do whatever she tells you. |
(FOX 25 / - A Winchester family who was booted off an airplane is now suing the airline. They claim they got into it with a confrontation with a flight attendant that ended with the National Guard getting involved. Yevgeny Yurkovetsky and his wife blame a rude flight attendant for the humiliating experience of having the whole family thrown off a plane. Now the Winchester family is suing US Airways for more than $160,000. Back in January, the family had just boarded a plane in Charlotte, NC but couldn't find any space in the overhead compartments for the two bags and their coats. They asked the flight attendant for help but say she had a bad attitude from the get go. When they demanded her name, they say it got worse. Minutes later another employee told them to deplane, and this time they brought along airport security and a National Guardsman.
I find it hard to feel bad for the family here. Do I agree that the flight attendant was probably out of line? Absolutely. But I find it hard to pity you when you're like the only family on earth that doesn't realize that you never argue with the flight attendants. They're like the gestapo of the airways, the KGB of the sky. Just above the law in every way possible.
Don't like the way I'm jamming your carryon into the overhead that may or may not contain breakables? Too bad, here comes the Air Marshall. Oh, you're allergic to peanuts? Sorry sport, eat up or starve, we'll get your Epi Pen out after you eat a few, dont worry. You wanted the whole can of soda instead of a 6 ounce gulp and a couple of ice cubes, that'll be $5. How about that disgusting pillow and blanket the sweaty kid with lice just used on the flight before you and was then re-packaged to make it look new? Yep, $5 again. Same with those rancid headphones that literally 100's of flyers have jammed into their wax packed ears.