Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rate This Live Puppet Dancers Career

Wide range of thoughts here, just an up and down roller coaster of emotions trying to judge if this guy is happy with where his career is.

 At first depressed for the guy, clearly when you spend 4 years at the Berkley School for the Arts your first plan isn't "The Village People Puppet Dancer." At the same time how many of his classmates are playing for sold out stadiums? The majority are probably just playing clarinets or saxophones on subway platforms or street corners for spare change, because lets be honest, artists make less money than this blog.  Then I came to the realization that this wasn't at a pro arena, this was a Uconn basketball game, so clearly he hasn't made the big time as a professional puppet dancer just yet.  

And was anyone else a little too excited when he finally switched from Macho Man to the 90's compilation?  I was bordering on depression myself watching this guy perform to the same lame half time song that's been used for 30 years, was good to see a fresh performance.  Then what does he do? He goes right back to the Village People and finishes with YMCA. Damnit dude, I wanted to like you, I really did.  But no, you had to finish with a cliche.  What would your uppity performing art school classmates think of you now? Sell out.