Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anyone Wake For the Total Lunar Eclipse Last Night?

Fox News - In 1638, Harvard University had just been founded, the Salem witch trials had yet to begin, Galileo had just lost his eyesight -- and the moon was blotted out by the shadow of the Earth.It was also the solstice, a celestial coincidence that wouldn't happen again for another 372 years. Not until tonight.  So break out the flashlights. Because when a full lunar eclipse takes place on the shortest day of the year, North America may get awfully dark.

No, I didn't either.  Know why I didn't care about this "once every 372 years event?" Because they always tell you it hasn't happened in "a ridiculously long time" despite the fact that it seems to happen every 6-9 months.  Cut the shit.  Seriously every time there is an eclipse all the news outlets freak out and start spouting on about how this its a once in a life time event.  No its not.  I'll catch it when it happens again in June.  I don't care if this one is slightly different than that one, I'm not standing out in my front yard with the frigen Hubble telescope, am I really going to notice the difference just by eye sight?  No. 

You know what is a once in a life time event? Halley's Comet.  Let me know when that comes around again, otherwise calm the hype down a bit.