CNN -- When President Obama commented that the Republicans were standing around drinking Slurpees while the Democrats were busy creating real change in Washington, it caused quite a storm. Now that he's sitting down with the new Republican leadership this week, the so-called "Slurpee Summit" is the talk of the nation...While most of us have had one of 7-Eleven's frozen concoctions, there's plenty more you probably don't know about this too cool drink. Like so many great inventions, the Slurpee was created by accident. In the late-1950s, Omar Knedlik of Kansas City owned an old Dairy Queen whose machinery was always breaking down. When his soda fountain went out, he improvised by putting some bottles in the freezer to stay cool. However, when he popped the top, they were a little frozen and slushy. Folks loved them and started requesting "those pops that were in a little bit longer."
All right, so Slurpees seem to be popping up everywhere in the news lately ever since Obama made the crack about Republicans a few weeks ago (I thought he'd follow it up about how the Dem's in the White House crush Kool-Aid, but I guess that would be hoping for a bit too much comedy from your president). I mean everywhere, CNN can't go a day without having a slurpee related article, it pops up in google trends almost every other day, and I'd imagine if I was on twitter it would be one of the most tweeted about topics as well.
But I don't get it. Do people actually drink these things? Like other than on a dare when they're 12 years old? I have a confession to make, I've never had a slurpee and honestly couldn't see myself having one in the forseeable future up until now.
Am I missing out? Is it just for X-gamer and stoner types, or can anyone drink these and be socially acceptable? Do I need to re-evaluate my stance on the Slurpee? Drop a comment and let us know. If they really are that good suggest a flavor and I'll go out and give it a whirl. You only live once right.