Monday, November 29, 2010

Is Wikipedia Broke?

Wikipedia is literally begging its users for money these days (no really, look). Web sites can do that? Just ask people to make a donation?  If I put up a paypal request for cash would you guys even give me a nickel? It can't be that easy.  I think at this point the 'Tabs (thats us for short) is more likely to be paying people to visit the site than the other way around.

 So can the people who own wikipedia really be that terrible as businessmen, it is the 5th most popular site on the entire internet.  If these guys can't spin a profit how can an underdog like The Alt-Tab survive (we probably can't be we're riding this out for all its worth)?  No, clearly that can't be it.  I know they stubbornly don't use advertising (why not? just have some of your more popular searched items sponsored) but they must have some venture capitalists contributing something. 

I have a feeling they're just crying poor like the guy who pan handles and then drives home in his Mercedes at the end of the night, just bullshit (though I will be saddened if they go under, thats like 1/3 of my daily browsing).