Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Winner Takes All

 I'm not quite sure what the opportunity is here that he's speaking about, but I am fucking on board. 
And no need to apologize for your tone sir, this is exactly the type of leader our system is craving in our time of need.  We've got Putin marching around like an action hero, the Bolivian president kicking ass and taking names on the pitch, all the while our "leaders" are trying to appease everyone at every turn (and we all know how that turns out).  
This is a man who has it figured out.  Politics aren't touch football! It's winner take all and it all ways has been (except when its not).
So that's it, screw the garbage man career, I'm moving to Stark County and riding this mans coattails to the top. I'm ready to rid the county of infestation. "Tell 'em I'm coming, both barrels, guns loaded."

I can only assume his masters in communication degree was obtained from the Dwight K. Schrute school of speech.