Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Woman's Bungee Cord Snaps, Plunges into Crocodile Infested Waters

Love how the narrator right away stresses the fact that she was plummeting into "Crocodile infested waters" as if that's the problem here. Dude! She just fell 365 feet off a bridge...I'd say that's more of a concern.

Anyway, this is one of those situations where I'm pretty sure I'd just have died. My will to live is only so much, and I'm pretty sure that point is somewhere well before plummeting 365 feet into icy, crocodile infested waters, with my feet tied together, and a gigantic rope getting stuck to rocks and pulling me under water. In fact I'm guessing the 365 foot fall on its own would have done it, soon as I felt myself free-falling I'd have probably been like "welp, that's it I guess, it was a pretty good run." Even if I somehow survived the fall I'd probably be more likely to bait the croc's than to swim away from them. It's just too much effort. Plus then you've got to live with being afraid of jumping off bridges and crocodiles the rest of your life...I don't need that kind of trauma.