Thursday, December 16, 2010

Indoor Soccer Wrap Up - VICTORY!

B8 played its most consistent game yet and the results were reflective.  Facing one of the top ranked teams in the league B8 over came early deficits to dominate the second half and take home the 8-6 victory.  Scoring was once again led by Pascal and Ross (Hey Ross if you ever follow through on that promise to buy the team beer after a victory maybe we'll throw you in the air like the coach above) who continue to be neck and neck for the team scoring title.  A great game in return for The Huz, and strong performance from Kathryn despite rumors of illness (not quite Jordan in the finals but a very commendable performance all around). Everyone pitched in, an all around team effort (yes I realize its starting to sound like a T-ball speech).

The turning point clearly came during an altercation between Mazz and another player led to double yellow cards and both sides playing a man down for 4 minutes early in the second half.  B8 dominated this time period and the momentum carried the remainder of the half (0 goals against from that point on).  As such team Captain Ross has nominated Mazz for game ball honors.  Depsite my previous ruling that recipients cannot have scored an own goal during the game Ross convinced me this was the major spark for our team, ala Varitek mugging Arod in '04.  I'm still not sure it quite resonated with the team that strongly but none the less its hard to argue with the results from that point on (4-Nil good guys).

UBS' New Dress Code: Corporate Life Gone Too Far

Congrats to UBS for winning this years "Douchiest Corporation To Work For" Award.  Apparently UBS, unhappy with some of their employees interpretation of business casual, went so far as to publish a 43 page document on employee dress attire, with the basic goal of having all employees appear to be clones of one another. I honestly thought I was reading a spoof from somewhere like College Humor when I was going through it.  Wouldn't have believed it was real but I saw it on the morning news this morning, and I take that as fact. A few highlights (full article here):

Female employees are instructed to wear flesh-colored underwear, keep their skirt length to mid-knee, and steer a wide berth around ankle chains and body piercings...Nor are male employees exempt from potential disapproval over their dress: UBS wants them in classic-cut two-button jackets and forbids them to wear the same ties or shoes on consecutive days. They must also resist the temptation to turn back the clock by using hair dye.

Light makeup consisting of a foundation, mascara and discreet lipstick will enhance your personality.”
  • “Women should not wear shoes that are too tight-fitting as there is nothing worse than a strained smile.”

  • “A flawless appearance can bring inner peace and a sense of security.”

  • “The ideal time to apply perfume is directly after you take a hot shower, when your pores are still open.”

  • For men:
    • “Three days of stubble is not permitted and a visit to the barber is recommended once every four weeks.”
    • “Wear only ties that match the bone structure of the face and do not wear socks with cartoon motifs.”
    • “If you wear a watch, it suggests reliability and that punctuality is a great concern to you.”
    • “Underwear is among the most intimate parts of our clothing … your underwear must not be visible through your clothes, or stand out … your figure should not suffer from the way you wear your underwear.”
    Some of this stuff you couldn't even make up.  Flesh toned underwear? What was there an outbreak of whale tales in UBS banking branches? Tight fitting shoes and strained smiles? How about saying what you're really don't want fatties wearing open toe or strappy shoes.

    And for men its just as ridiculous, can't wear the same pair of shoes on consecutive days, well I hope you don't mind me kicking around in a pair of Nikes every Tues and Thursday. And how the fuck does a tie match the bone structure of a face? Aren't there only two types of ties, skinny and wide? Shit, do you have to be a fan of a crappy show like Project Runway to dress appropriately for work now? And again with the underwear. How can ones figure suffer from their boxers/briefs? What kinda crazy shit are the swiss wearing these days that this is a real concern?

    I'd quit within 3 days of receiving this email, the only reason I would last that long is I'd strive to break as many of the ridiculous rules as possible before leaving on my own accord.  I'd be flashing my multi-colored boxer labels to every customer and co-worker.  Frost some tips in my hair and wear the same bow tie each day. 

    The Office Christmas Party: Some General Tips

     CW's annual office Christmas Party Holiday Party (sorry have to keep it corporate...shit is "Holiday" allowed? Will that offend Jehovahs that don't celebrate anything?  Lets just replace Holiday with "Winter" and Party with "Event", that should cover it) Winter Event!   

    Basically the only positive to working in a gigantic corporate office is that events like this have to be held at big restaurants or hotels in order to accomodate everyone, rather than the standard decorate the office and mingle party.  I look forward to it every year, and despite the fun and seemingly care free atmosphere there are some traps you need to avoid to survive the Holiday Party.

    1.  Don't be the guy above.  Every year I see some rookie make the same mistake as he presumably did. "Oh there's free drink tickets until 10 pm? Double Fisting Time!" No dude, this isn't college and we're not at your Frats Christmas themed party.  I like the sauce as much as the next guy but getting as much liquor as you can into your system during the open bar period is a horrible rookie mistake.  We literally have one manager who just walks around during the night looking for jackasses that have had too much.  No one is really sure what happens to the few unlucky souls he finds each year, but they're never seen again and their cubes are always packed up and emptied before we get to work the next day.  Don't be that guy. Have a couple, and save the partying for the after party down the road.

    2.  There's liquor, music, members of the opposite sex, and usually some dancing.  You will be lulled into thinking this is your regular Friday or Saturday night pick up seen.  This is a mistake.  Though your dance partner may have been throwing you all the signs you usually look for, you must resist.  First off, everyone else is watching and judging.  The older folks will be jealous of your youthful flirting and that jealousy will affect you in the office.  Secondly, God forbid you hit on the wrong person that some middle aged-middle manager who still lives with his mother has had a crush on but is too much of panzy to do anything about it.  You might as well kiss any chance for promotion goodbye. And finally, mainly for the guys, watch out for the sexual harassment claim.  This is still a work event, work rules apply.  Doesn't matter if the liquor has her loosened up, you don't want to come into work tomorrow at 9 AM with a message from HR asking to see you.

    3. If you're feeling the affects of that third Long Island Iced Tea, stay away from the big wigs.  You'll be tempted to schmooze and rub elbows with the higher-ups, its one of the few chances a year you have to mingle with the decision makers.  Do you really want their lasting memory of you to be the guy who rambled on in slurring tones about your great ideas to improve the company (most of which probably involve ideas that will allow you to be lazier)?

    4. Less of a rule, more of a guideline, try not to show up obviously hungover the next morning.  Everyone's going to be a bit slower moving the next day, its a given, but you don't want to be the guy/gal just sitting at their desk, head propped up by their arm just staring blankly ahead because motion makes you feel sick (yes I'm speaking from personal experience).  It makes you look irresponsible, and even worse it makes you look like a light-weight.  You cannot be labeled a light weight and expect to go on client trips.  75% of a client trip is dining and drinking (20% ass kissing and 5% actual work meetings in case you were wondering).  If management knows that you look like a homeless vagabond the morning after they're never going to send you anywhere.  That said:

    5. DO NOT CALL OUT SICK.  I can't stress that enough. Like I said #4 is more of a guideline, not a hard fast rule.  This is the golden rule.  You call out sick you might as well start sending out resumes, because if you're not let go then you at the very least guarantee that you're not looking at a raise or promotion for the next 5 years. 

    By the way, don't be shocked if tomorrow is a light day here at the Tabs.  Rule number 4 is a bitch to follow.

    Justin Bieber Is Out of Control

    Michael Bolton: Yeah, well, at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.
    Samir: You know, there's nothing wrong with that name.
    Michael Bolton: There *was* nothing wrong with it... until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.
    Samir: Hmm... well, why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?
    Michael Bolton: No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks. 
     So this guy really lives that nightmare huh? Well I say Bieber has gone too far this time.  Ruining the quality of life for a 35 year old pinball machine collector?  Getting him kicked off Facebook for a possible fake profile? How else is he supposed to stalk underage children (yes I'm just making an assumption, but the guy mistakenly gets a 16 year old pop stars fan mail, you mean to tell me he hasn't opened a few and tried to find the writers Facebook profiles, lets be realistic here)?  

    Someone needs to stop this and soon.  Don't teen stars usually trip up after a year or so of fame?  Where is the standard trip to rehab for an addiction to booger-sugar? Or the embarrassing hotel room photos with scantily clad older women?  Did this kid just ignore the game plan set forth by all previous teen stars?  Corey Haim must be spinning in his grave knowing this kid is so far playing it straight.

    Side Note: I still don't really know who Bieber is or what he sings.  I can identify him visually but if you played 10 songs on the radio for me I wouldn't be able to tell you which one is his.  This is a fact I'm extremely proud of.