Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Two (But Not the Only) Faces of The Pussification of America

              As much as I hate myself for borrowing a phrase that has been used amply by the smut peddling douchebag known as El Presidente, I can’t keep quiet on an issue that has aggravated me for quite some time.  We see it in those “under the radar” headlines or in pieces of conversations held in our general vicinity, and when we do, our collective consciousness (should) burn with unquenchable rage:  The outright catering to the every whim of both the current and younger generation by removing as many facets of risk as possible from their upbringing, known by many as “pussification.”  Look, I don’t presume to be the apex of testosterone or a crowning example of a totalitarian household where I had my every move documented under the threat of strict sanctions.  I was a regular kid who grew up like most others, but I’ll tell you, like many others, there were problems that we all had to deal with.  It seems like there are many who would seek to eliminate these issues, thus giving rise to a legion of spineless, emotionally fragile meatsacks who will have a rude awakening when they realize that the world doesn’t take place inside their comfortable bubble.  Here are two of my many culprits, but the one’s I feel like ranting about at the moment

Elimination of Gym/ “Nerfing” of the Best Games
            It absolutely drives me up a wall to walk into a middle or high school these days and see a state of the art electronic “daily bulletin” device installed while tumbleweeds and howling winds occupy the gymnasium.  No kid gives two fucks about what the daily lunch is or what afterschool clubs are meeting that day.  What they (used to, seemingly) enjoy is running around, sweating profusely like Charlie Sheen facing an unattended pile of coke, and being able to get some exercise while building some social skills with their peers.  Remember playing gym dodge ball back in the day?  THAT was some real shit.  Either you had your head on a swivel and were as agile as a ninja, or there was a 100 % chance of receiving a black and blue checkered welt from a red rubber ball plastered across your facial features.  Everyone loved playing, even the girls who would pretend to be on their period to get out of every other game.  Now, most school districts have outright BANNED the game of dodge ball from their class because “someone might get hurt” or “it’s unfair to certain children.”  Yeah, it’s unfair to the kid who inhales a deep fried twinkie and bacon sandwich for lunch then mysteriously finds himself out of breath after stretching.  But for god’s sake, if gym was anything, it was an incentive to be good at the games you played.  If you were the worst kid at “Capture the Flag” you busted ass out at recess trying to get better.  Nope, not anymore, we might hurt someone’s feelings if they might actually….GASP…not be good at something!  There is such an obsession with hiding kids from failure that there is a lack of realization that by not exposing kids to the lack of success early, we are setting them up to be poorly equipped to deal with it when it inevitably occurs.  But hey, at least you have that fancy state of the art bulletin board, right schools?  Fuck that.  Consider this my outcry to bring back “REAL” gym class.

Political Correctness Taking Precedence over Pragmatism/Reality
            You can’t say shit anymore without some supercilious prick giving you a scathing look or arrogantly declaring, “Um, that’s not P.C, its actually termed (insert stupid smug bullshit term here) now.”  Like just the other day, some clearly drunk, out of his mind, homeless guy started emphatically garbling incoherent nonsense, of which all I could decipher was, “EYYY Yuu whiii muhhfukka” and shaking his cup at me menacingly.  I was rightfully pissed off and said something to the effect, “Dude, get out of my way.”  Then, to the buddy I was with, “Man, that bum was a pain in the ass huh?”  Some woman, walking the other way from me, TURNED AROUND and tapped me on the shoulder, acidly whispering, “Young man, that is a person experiencing homelessness, how dare you be so insensitive?!?”  Are you shitting me?  We have to have a G-rated label for the guy who I was legitimately worried might cause me bodily harm?  At no point did I condemn him for having a rough life nor make fun of the plight of people in his situation are in either.  It sucks and it’s a deeply rooted sociological issue with no easy solution.  But this drunken asshole qualified as a bum to me, and I’ll be damned if I call a dude like that “a person experiencing homelessness” It’s absolutely asinine that everyone is so damned ego and perception conscious that we have to literally institute an ultra strict filter on our words because it can actually cost people significant gains these days, like promotions, jobs, or grant money.  A perfect example of this is when Tom Brady this past weekend told fans of the Patriots to get “lubed up” (translation: as drunk and rowdy as humanly possibly”)  Yet, despite the fact that every team, every fan, every person in this entire country knows that this is EXACTLY the ritual that takes place when tail gaiting, a PR stunt was needed to assuage the “damage” that such a statement could have caused. Oh no, the humanity, football fans are going to be outraged that a player told them to do what they were planning on doing all along.  Look, there is a time and place for being sensitive and cognizant of what you say.  But this utter dumb fuckery of shielding ourselves from possibly offending ANYONE is idiotic paranoia of the highest order.  All right, easy Sean, end your rant here before you break something. 

Alt-Tab's Links of the Day: Conan, Christian Science, Australia is Awesome, and Buzz Aldrin

Frankly, the internet was in a bountiful mood last night and I literally didn’t have enough time to blog all the ridiculous material I was finding, so without further ado, a throwback to the early days of The Alt-Tab, your links of the day:
Christian Elementary Science Text Book Claims Electricity is Magic: Sometimes I wish we could just trade Texas for Mexico, straight up. We’ll take their debt and drug problem, someone else can take god fearing hicks…don’t know where electricity comes from…it comes from the frigen three prong outlets on the wall, I thought everyone knew that

Australia Scratches Plans For Mega Brothel Over Concern for Mom and Pops : Reason 832 why Australia is the best country on earth…mega brothels. Maybe, just maybe if we had a few mega brothels in the States, and a few less Walmarts, this country would be in better shape than it is now.

Original Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, 81, Dating 51 Year old...She's Fugly : Fucking gross Buzz. Haggard. You’re an astronaut, hell, you’re THE Astronaut. You don’t have to date goblins, even if you’re 80 years old. And lady, bullshit you’re 51. You don’t look a day less than 97…Maybe Buzz’s eyesight is just worse than everyone thinks, has to be right? He can’t honestly think Montgommery Burn’s twin sister is the best he can do, can he?

 Conan Bagged Staring at Pussy Cat Doll's Boobs : Hunny, you’re wearing a leopard print dress with your tits popped so far out Conan’s hair was practically motor boating you from the monologue on. You knew what you were doing.

NASA Says Don't Be Concerned, Only 1 in 3200 Chance of Falling Space Satellite Hitting You

Fox News - NASA space junk experts have refined the forecast for the anticipated death plunge of a giant satellite, with the U.S. space agency now predicting the 6 1/2-ton climate probe will plummet to Earth around Sept. 23, a day earlier than previously reported. NASA expects at least 26 large pieces of the massive satellite to survive the scorching temperatures of re-entry and reach Earth's surface. Titanium pieces and onboard tanks could be among that debris, but the UARS satellite carries no toxic propellant (NASA used up all the fuel in 2005). The debris is expected to fall over a swath of Earth about 500 miles (804 kilometers) long, NASA officials said. There is a 1-in-3,200 chance of satellite debris hitting a person on the ground, odds that NASA says are extremely remote. Outside experts agree.

1 in 3200? I’m not exactly liking those odds. How am I living on a planet where the odds of winning the lottery are astronomically worse than the odds of being beaned off the top of the head by a smoldering piece of a space satellite? Is this real life? I don’t have enough shit to worry about, global warming, global recession, rent, car bills, Netflix spin offs, gingivitis…Now I’ve got to add falling Satellite debris to the mix? Just walking around like I’m Wile E. Coyote waiting for the anvil to drop. This officially sucks.

PETA Launching XXX Site that Will Run Animal Abuse Ads Along Side Porn

PETA is getting into porn - in the name of animal rights, of course. The non-profit organization, known for its racy ads featuring semi-nude women, is hoping to launch a steamy new website it hopes will promote veganism by mixing porno with images of animals suffering. "We're hoping to reach a whole new audience of people, some of whom will be shocked by graphic images that maybe they didn't anticipate seeing when they went to the PETA triple-X site..PETA is still fleshing out the site's design, but Rajt said the racy images on the site would lead users to information and footage "of how animals suffer in the food industry."

This isn’t good. Look, I’m no porn connoisseur or anything, but I think I can safely say that seeing animal abuse pics right next to some girl getting plowed doggy style is going to lead to some very confusing thoughts….Do we really want people getting their masturbatory material and animal cruelty information all mixed up and confused? I mean, people are already into some weird shit (no judgement, just saying), I just don’t think we can handle some one jerking it to some midget toe sucking fetish video and subconsciously taking in a picture of a dead cat on a stick or whatever they’re planning on showing. That’s going just going to lead to one more messed up in the head dude that we just don’t need, and will probably lead to a whole new, disturbing, category of porn. 

I'm begging you PETA, don't do this. The world just can't handle it.

Allright, Jokes Up, Who Keeps Requesting "Moves Like Jagger"? Seriously?

Is it some kind of sick joke? Some dick just calling into stations every half hour badgering Matty in the Morning until they give in and play this ridiculously bad song? Has to be. No hyperbole whatsoever, that is the corniest, worst, and most annoying song I've ever heard...and I hear it every 30 minutes!

Classic Hangdog face
What the hell does it even mean? Moves like Jagger. Mick Jagger is like 88, an AARP Prime Member. Sure the guy had moves, but he don’t know more. Guy is probably breaking hips bending down to grab the morning paper at this point.

That song is so bad that one of my friends played it on loop a few weeks ago while driving in his jeep with the top down just to simultaneously annoy and embarrass the shit out of the rest of us…when it got about 2 minutes in I was shocked to find out Christina Aguilera has a part in that song. I’d never made it that far, that’s how bad the song is. Shit, despite hearing the song approximately 6x a day I’ve still never heard the X-tina part again..its like the kick ball game in Billy Madison or the Octopus in Goonies, a kind of urban legend that like 1 in every 10 people you meet have seen/heard of.
That shit hole of a bar I was at played it on request a few weekends ago, and the DJ came on and said this ones by request for so and so…and it’s the gayest song ever. Now, I don’t have the latest Billboards Gayest chart in front of me, that doesn’t come out until Thursdays, but I think its safe to say it’ll be in the top 3.

So please, I’m begging you, whoever the hell you are that is some how entertained by this horrendously bad piece of pop music, please stop calling in to Boston area stations. Just drop me a line at with your address and I’ll mail you the single. Listen to it until your hearts content. Just keep it the hell away from the radio.

Atlas Makers Rush to Apologize over Mistake Concerning Greenland

Fox News - Publishers of the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World scrambled Tuesday to correct a controversial statement that Greenland had lost 15 percent of its permanent ice cover over the last 12 years -- an assertion scientists labeled "incorrect and misleading." The claim came in a HarperCollins press release on the publication of the 13th edition of the atlas, stating that global warming was "turning Greenland 'green.'" The gradual melting was also depicted in the atlas itself, as cartographers carved out huge chunks of ice to reflect the apparent results of a warming planet. That was a mistake, scientists say. “It is regrettable that the claimed drastic reduction in the extent of ice in Greenland has created headline news around the world,” Christoffersen said. “There is to our knowledge no support for this claim in the published scientific literature.” But with mounting pressure from the scientific community, the publisher took an about-face one day later, retreating from earlier claims and admitting the company may have been “misleading with regard to the Greenland statistics.”

Was there really a need to rush out this public apology? How did this make a national news outlet? People, relax, it’s a frigen atlas. Like 9 people saw this. Probably just family members of the guys who published it who received complimentary copies. 

Last time I saw an Atlas was 3rd grade, we were learning the abbreviations for different geographical features or some shit like that. I dominated maps and atlas’ like it was my job, a modern day geography whiz. One time in social studies I charted the 10 highest peaks in America (most of them were in Alaska, fyi) just to kill some time, so yea, I was pretty good. 

Anyway, sorry for that tangent, its just not often I get to brag about my Geography skills. Bottom line, chill guys. Make as many mistakes as you want, the rest of us are using google maps, its cool.

PS: Can't believe I almost forgot...It's also Greenland. Even if Atlas' were still important, it would still be Greenland, it's like the most distorted country in map history. I look at one globe and Greenland is the size of Canada, I look at a map and its more like the size of Texas. It fluctuates in size from map to map, no one really gives a shit...because again, it's Greenland.

Mark Cuban Urges American's to Get "Obnoxiously Rich"...Yea, Like I'm Not Trying Cuban, Come on!

(NewsCore) - Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said Monday that the most patriotic thing Americans can do in a struggling economy is to "bust your ass and get rich." In a posting on his blog, Cuban, 53, wrote that Americans who make lots of money are doing a patriotic duty by hiring others, contributing to economic growth and paying more taxes. "Entrepreneurs are needed to create and grow companies to absorb those people in new jobs. If entrepreneurs don't create those jobs, the government ends up having to spend more money to help them one way or another." "So be Patriotic. Go out there and get rich. Get so obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes, your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write," he wrote. The Mavericks owner -- who made his money in tech startups, famously selling to Yahoo! for $5.9 billion in 1999..."So I will repeat my point. Get out there and make a boatload of money. Enjoy the sh*t out your money. Pay your taxes. It's the most Patriotic thing you can do."

Oh, hey Cubes, great advice, except it’s not working. I’m busting my ass from 10-7ish at my real job every day, coming home and blogging my dick off at night, I’m not seeing the riches. I’m hiring new writers (yea hiring is a loose term, I’m not sure “I’ll get you a beer if I see you out” is going to qualify me for any payroll tax reductions or anything but still), and I'm still not rich...yesterday I made .20 cents on advertising, that's not going to cut it.

I mean if you want to toss me an angel investment to the tune of like 300k, I’m not going to complain. But lets not pretend that it’s as easy as working yourself into the ground to strike it rich. I mean, I'm fucking trying here Cube’s. Be a bro and take notice, throw me a fricken bone. Absorb my blog or something, buy a t-shirt and wear it courtside (you know, if you guys get around to having a season), that would be the patriot thing to do.

People Really Shocked Gisele Didn't Get A Traffic Ticket? She's Gisele!

BARNSTABLE (FOX 25 / - Gisele Bundchen, supermodel and wife of Tom Brady, was stopped for speeding over the weekend and given a verbal warning by a Massachusetts state trooper. State police spokesman David Procopio says Bundchen was going about 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on state Route 6 in Barnstable when she was stopped Saturday. Procopio says two children were in the Cadillac SUV, properly fastened in car seats. The trooper reminded Bundchen that the speed limit on Route 6 is 55, and let her go on her way.

Listen, I get off from speeding tickets and various traffic violations once a quarter, like clockwork. It’s uncanny, ask anyone I know. I guess I just possess an innocent boyish charm or something. I’ve been pulled over or waved to the side about 7 times in the last two years. Not a single ticket. Last time I got a “happy birthday” and a written warning. That’s right, the cop actually wished me a happy birthday and sent me on my way. Blew a stop sign and my car inspection had expired, didn’t matter. I'm like the traffic cop-whisperer or something.

So you can imagine that I’m not exactly shocked that Gisele got off doing a measly 70 in a 55. That’s 15 over, which means she was really only doing the unwritten speed limit. Everyone knows you can run +15 mph on highways with no problems (assuming you’re not weaving and Tokyo driftin all over the place). Giselle could have been doing 100 with her kid unbuckled in the front seat while smuggling an old nazi war criminal in the cargo area and the cops would have let her go. She’s Gisele. Not only is she a gorgeous supermodel, she’s married to Tom Brady. She has more freedom than a foreign diplomat with that status. Just keep Brady happy and raise those kids as his heir apparent and we’re cool Gisele. Drive as fast and reckless as you please. We’ll save the tickets for non-good looking foreigners and people who don’t win superbowls for a living.