Thursday, October 21, 2010

Maybe the Dingo Ate Your Baby

Time - On the evening of Aug. 17, 1980, Lindy Chamberlain heard a cry coming from her tent. Lindy, her husband Michael and their three children were camping in Ayers Rock (now called Uluru) in Australia's Northern Territory. Lindy had put her 10-week-old daughter Azaria to sleep in their tent. After the cry, Lindy rushed back to check on her and saw a dingo leaving the area, clenching something in its jaws. Azaria was no longer in the tent, and Lindy screamed the now infamous line, "A dingo's got my baby!"
Wait, What? Am I the only one that didn't know the famous quote from Elaine on Seinfeld pertained to an actual baby being eaten by an actual Dingo? How is it that I'm just finding this out?  I feel dumb for admitting it but I've always just figured it was some reference to one of the Crocodile Dundee movies that I never bothered watching.  To be completely honest up until some point in high school I just assumed the Dingo was some mythical Australian animal, much like El Chupcabra.  

Knowing that such a ridiculous one liner was actually uttered got me wondering.  What would be the funniest line from a tv show or movie to later find out was actually a quote from a real life situation.  My answer has to be:

I have had it with these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane! sound clip

If you think you have a better one drop a comment and let us know.

Dude Re-enacts scene from The Hangover on C-SPAN

Just Wow.  Normally I'd be all over this tighty whitey wearing wasp for airing his humiliations in public, but I haven't heard a dude eviscerate someone is such a complete fashion since Tupac took on Biggie in Hit Em Up.
The side kick to his right makes the video, I'm still trying to decide if he was a plant for his laugh or if that's nervous laughter b/c he was railing this guys chick during their two year relationship.