Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Deval Patrick Won't Deport Illegal Aliens Who've Only Committed Minor Crimes

BOSTON (FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) - Gov. Deval Patrick made a major reversal today, saying he's not signing up for a controversial program aimed at deporting illegal immigrants with serious criminal records. Secure Communities has been a political hot potato for Gov. Patrick since last fall, when FOX Undercover first revealed his administration had been dragging its feet for a year on the federal government’s request to bring it to Massachusetts. Patrick eventually decided to sign on, but reversed course yesterday. “I think this is the right decision for the Commonwealth. From a public safety position we'll continue to work with the FBI and (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for convicted felons who are undocumented people. But the Secure Communities program is not for us,” Patrick told reporters today. Patrick says he supports that goal, but says Secure Communities is leading to the deportation of immigrants who haven't committed crimes, or who have committed minor offenses.

Minor offenses like stealing my god damn grill? Is that what we're talking about here Deval? These are the types of immigrants you're working to keep here, tailgate pilfering Basque Seperatists?  Because I can't help but think that maybe if we were fingerprinting and deporting illegal immigrants who happen to also be criminals, that shit wouldn't have happened...I think Deval owes me a grill, and I won't be happy until my situation is rectified.

Seriously though, what the hell planet is Deval living on these days? 

Timberlake Gets after it with Mila Kunis

Frigen JT, is there anything this guy can't pull off?  Guy turned a straight up Class A felony groping charge into a handjob from a Hollywood Star in font of millions of people, just amazing.

There's legit nothing he can't do.  Leave the most popular boy band, maybe ever? Follow it up with a fantastic solo career.  Get Punk'd and cry on national TV?  Bang out two of the greatest skits ever on SNL, one titled "Dick in a Box," but still maintained his wholesome image.  And now this, a rub and tug on stage at the MTV movie awards with some breast play for good measure, just living the dream.

PS: hilarious that this took place during the same show Reese was lecturing young girls about being modest.  Yea Reese, nice try.

Rees Witherspoon Tells Young Girls they Can Make it without Sex Tapes...Which is Horrible Advice

Fox News - Actress Reese Witherspoon proved to be a refreshing change during the network’s 2011 MTV Movie Awards on Sunday, when she sent some words of wisdom not only to her female fans, but her fellow screen stars too. “I get it, girls, that it’s cool to be a bad girl,” the 35-year-old told the audience as she accepted the MTV Generation Award at the Los Angeles-taped show. “But it is possible to make it in Hollywood without doing a reality show. When I came up in this business, if you made a sex tape, you were embarrassed and you hid it under your bed.” Are you listening Kim? Paris? “And if you took naked pictures of yourself on your cell phone, you hide your face, people!” Witherspoon continued. “Hide your face!”  The “Walk the Line” star then ended her speech by vowing to make “good” behavior a predominant Tinseltown trend. “So, for all the girls out there, it’s totally possible to be a good girl,” she urged. “I’m going to try to make it cool.

Frigen Reese, all high and mighty, really took that role in Cruel Intention to heart huh? Prude.
We get it, you haven't had to show your cans to become famous, well good for you, but you're setting a terrible example for a lot of young girls.  Yea you made it with out flashing your tits or hoo-ha on film, but there are 1000's of other girls struggling every day in Hollywood, just trying to make ends meet who won't make it.  Maybe if they were more apt to agree to a "leaked" sex tape, or a few risque cell phone shots, things would turn out differently for them.

The real irony is these girls that you're lecturing about being modest and prudish are probably going to end up burnt out, failed actresses, forced into the only line of work they're qualified for...Prostitution, stripping, and if they're lucky, high end escort work.  There's only so long you can make it as extras in Tampax commericials, only so many failed casting calls you can go on, eventually you gotta pay the bills and you end up showing your tits anyway, except for less fame and less money.  

That's why I preach pro-active nudity.  Don't do it when you're down and out and desperate, do it early when you're in your prime, don't have C-section scars, and haven't had a few tummy tucks.  Take control of your career girls, its your future, shouldn't you be working hard to secure it?

Representative Weiner, America's Next Great President?

Fox News - Rep. Anthony Weiner faces an uncertain political future after the married New York Democrat admitted Monday in a stunning, nearly half-hour news conference that he had conducted "inappropriate" and sometimes explicit exchanges with six women he met online over the past three years. Weiner apologized, saying he is "deeply ashamed," but has no plans to resign. "This was me doing a dumb thing and doing it repeatedly and then lying about it," Weiner said. "And that's all there is." Weiner had claimed for days that his Twitter account had been hacked after a close-up underwear photo intended for a female college student in Seattle was posted publicly. That was a lie, he said Monday, explaining that he had "panicked" and created the story to conceal his actions.  The controversy erupted last week after a photo of somebody's bulging underwear was sent from his Twitter account to a Seattle college student. Weiner, who was frequently combative with reporters last week as they inquired about the image, repeatedly maintained he was hacked, though he wouldn't confirm whether the photo was an image of him.  Taking the podium on Monday, Weiner spoke far more bluntly.  "The picture was of me and I sent it," he said, adding that he intended to send it via a private message as a "joke."  Trying to explain his mindset, Weiner said he "panicked" after realizing he posted the photo to his account. He said he was "embarrassed" and "humiliated" and was trying to protect himself and his wife, so he made up a story about being hacked. Weiner said he has "not been honest" with himself.  "This was a mistake and I'm very sorry for it," he said.  The congressman admitted to having other "inappropriate conversations" with women over Facebook, Twitter, email and the phone. He said he exchanged "explicit" photos and messages with six women over three years, mostly -- but not entirely -- before he got married.

I can hear it now: "Weiner 2012, Weiner 2012, Weiner 2012!"
If there is one sure thing in American politics its that philandering Presidents make great leaders. It's true:

Thomas Jefferson - banging slaves left and right, don't know much about his politics but I have to believe being only the third president every counts for something.

James Garfield  - notorious ladies man, surely would have went onto great things had he not been shot in his first year, a philanderer cut down in his prime.

Warren G. Harding - Actually he's ranked as one of the worst presidents ever...probably banged a slew of ugly chics or something...bad ass name though.

Franklin Roosevelt - Probably the greatest President this countries ever seen.  Nailed sluts on the reg...his wife even had a few side pieces, even another chic.  The greatest correlation of swinging to leadership qualities we've got.

JFK - Sure he didn't last long, but his impact was felt.  Nailing every piece of cooze inside the beltway and launching an American Royal family all at the same time.

Bill Clinton- Choice in woman was questionable to say the least, fiscal policies unassailable.  Left the Whitehouse with gigantic economic surplus, which has since been squandered.

So bring on Rep. Weiner and his mad twit game.  This country needs a great leader, unafraid to go for what he wants and lie through his teeth to get it, and then proclaim his sorrow a few weeks later.  This guy is playing the game to perfection.

Mass DMV Worker Fired for Twitter Rants...He Got What Was Coming to Him

(FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) - A customer service representative at the RMV is out of a job for firing off a nasty rant on Twitter. According to the Boston Herald, Jaheel Robinson of Randolph reportedly sent out a stream of obscenity-filled insults towards his co-workers and bosses last week. Well the RMV brass wasn't impressed. Registrar Rachel Kaprelian called Robinson's Twitter posts "reprehensible." 

Tough, tough case here.  On the one hand, I'm not a huge fan of snooping bosses stalking people's lives on Twitter and Facebook while eating their microwaved dinners and watching Wheel of Fortune with their mom and cat...seems like you're just trying to bust your employees. 

Plus you gotta be allowed to vent some where, people don't talk face to face anymore, we throw that shit out on the internet like a flag and hope one of our e-friends with no life, who spends their day surveilling Facebook feeds, liking and commenting on everyone's status like it's their job, takes the time to comment on our day.  And this guy didn't even say anything that bad, he said "I just wanna yell fuck you to all these customers" and "bitch just told me I sounded unfriendly, #shesonhold."   Really nothing that bad, he aint calling anyone out by name, its all rather annonymous.  I'm on his side until this point.

But what throws me off his side is that he works at the god damn DMV.  Now I get that working at the DMV is no one's career choice as a kid.  The place is a cesspool.  But I have to believe with every bone in my body you'd rather be on the employee side of the counter than be the poor schmuck just trying to renew his license stuck sitting there for 2 hours between Ernesto, who smells like he's been here for two weeks straight trying to complete his immigration paperwork, and some guy who just goes by Klown, who's trying to get his license reinstated after a series of violent arrests.   I'm sitting here risking my life and olfactory senses and this guy has time to Tweet? Get the fuck out. 

It's bad enough average people have to put up with swollen lines, convicted criminals and all out incompentent people on both sides of the booth, but now I have to find out that this dick is Twittering while I'm suffering? No way, not anymore sir...and good luck getting your license renewed next time around...something tells me you'll be sitting there for a long, long time.

Wake Up With: The Most Dangerous Playground Equipment in the World

You know, kids these days get an awful lot of shit about how they're soft, they're pansies for not playing dodgeball, their "we're all winners" atmosphere, they're a bunch of momma's boys, etc, etc...And for the most part it's all their fault too, when I was 6 if the coach didn't know what the score was in YMCA tee-ball I would throw a shit fit.  "It's 8-6 us in the top of the 4th buddy, how about paying attention and doing your job before I go tell some of the parents there's been some inappropriate touching going on?" Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands kids.

Well this video goes a great length to disprove that notion about today's kids.  Back in my day we didn't have blatant death devices out on the playground, and I'll tell you another thing, I would have been scared as shit of using this thing unless I was the first person on that thing.

Anyone can go first when you don't know what the consequences are, but after seeing that first little twerp pound sand with his two front teeth I think I would have hesitated to give this thing a whirl.  But not the kid in this video, kid has serious balls.  Jumped right on there and rode that thing like a bull named fu-manchu....and then promptly asked his parents to take him to the chiropractors.