Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tornado Filmed During Rush Hour in New Zealand


Yep, pretty succinctly sums it up buddy.  This is why I love the Australians and Kiwis (I was told this takes place somewhere over there).  Just simple, straight to the point people.  No need to analyze the tornado in scientific terms, no need to bring random dudes who've devoted their lives to driving after storms to talk about the power.  Just some guy with a cell phone camera on his morning commute hanging out while the twister passes by.  

Doesn't even think of slamming the car into reverse or speeding on through. Just content to sit there and give his commentary, which is spot on.  And it's not like he's out of the norm, like three other cars I noticed just drove right on through.  Probably didn't even notice this shit was going on, happy as clams because they live down under and aren't troubled by the regular petty, everyday life shit the rest of the world worries over.  

That's just the kind of sense of security and carefree attitude one gets when you live in the most dominant position on the board in the game of Risk. 

Kid With Cancer Gets Leg Reattached Backwards, Goes Out And Dominates Little League.

FOSTORIA, Ohio— A rare cancer surgery is the only way Dugan Smith, 13, could play baseball again. That is all the teenager needed to hear. Nearly three years ago, when Smith was 10, he noticed soreness in his right knee after sliding. "When I was ten years old I realized I was limping a lot and I broke my leg and realized I had cancer," Dugan said. What he thought was just a limp turned out to be a malignant tumor on the thigh bone. The brave young athlete could have chosen several methods of recovery, but only one would allow full leg growth....Instead of using a full prosthetic or an artificial bone, doctors removed the middle part of Smith's leg, rotated the bottom half 180 degrees, moved it up and connected his blood vessels...His positive attitude paid off when Dugan toed the rubber as the starting pitcher for his Fostoria baseball team. His dad, and head coach, said there is no better feeling than seeing him on the mound. Unlike what many may think, Dugan's father Dustin does not give his son any easy outs. "When parents try to come up and say let's help him out... no. I want him to be treated like every other kid playing baseball," Dustin said confidently. Dugan is an inspiration because he is not given any special treatment. He believes he can still live out his dream of becoming a Major League Baseball player. The only difference now, he said, is he will be the first pitcher in the league with a prosthetic leg.

So apparently you can't embed this video so you'll have to visit the link above, everyone should do it though, its worth it because this kid is the biggest inspirational story in baseball since Jim Abbot

Kid's foot is on backwards and he's mowing down kids like the Big Unit, phenomenal.  I do wonder why kids aren't laying down bunts to test him out, but I'm guessing the first kid that did that caught a fastball to the knee cap the next time up.  

And Holy Shit! I just watched the video again, not only is his leg on backwards, but his foot is where his knee cap should be.  Kid legit has a prosthetic leg attached to his big toe!  Picture having a foot where your knee-pit is.  How fucked is that?

So even more props to this kid for figuring out how to pitch with that going on.  I had a hard enough time as a 12 year old with two straight feet.  I legit once was asked to intentionally walk a kid and had him down in the count 0-2 before I knew it.  Probably the only two strikes I threw that inning.  Nevermind if I was trying to balance myself with a foot for a knee.

So congrats to this kid, one of the cooler stories I've seen in a while.

A few Students at Texas A&M Offended By Extra Curricular Sex Seminar on "Butt Play" They Attended Anyway Though

How much is too much when it comes to sex education on college campuses?  A controversial video now has conservative groups taking aim at Texas A&M officials. The extremely graphic video posted online by the group Texas Aggie Conservatives shows a sex therapist using pictures and videos to teach gays and lesbians how to safely engage in certain activities.  Student Justin Pulliam says how-to sex lessons for gays have no place on his college campus. "Most people at the university do not agree with having casual sex, or homosexual sex, or having sex outside of marriage," he says.  "That the university is institutionally supporting such behavior is disgusting." Pulliam says his group wants to expose the school for sanctioning event. "What makes it even more disgusting, is that student fee dollars and taxpayer dollars are funding activities such as this at Texas A&M University," he claims. However, Lowell Kane from the school's GLBT Professional Network argues little if any student fees were used for the seminar. "Student fees were not used to pay the therapist to facilitate this workshop," Kane says.  "The university and I did go to a business meal with her afterwards to discuss the program, so the total cost associated with this workshop was $20 and change." Kane insists the seminar was for safe sex educational purposes only. "We actually know for a fact from the Bryan-College Station Community Health Center that we're seeing an increase in new infections of syphilis and HIV, particularly with the college student campus of Texas A&M," he says.  "So these are very serious issues."

Posted the video down below, and first of all, don't watch if you don't find childish terms like "butt play", or "how big is too big" or, "Interested but reluctant butthole" hysterical.  Similarly, if you're offended by the idea of premarital sex or gay/lesbian sex, also don't tune in.  That's all there is to it, don't email me hate mail, don't drop obnoxious comments below, just don't watch it...If you're ok with all that, I shit you not this is one of the funniest unintentionally funny videos of all time, complete with instructions for optimal fingernail clipping prior to foreplay.

Which is advice some of these prudish Texas A&M students should have taken.  What a self righteous group of piss-ons, huh? Like hey Justin Pulliam, you're in college, the other kids in your dorm hall? They're having premarital sex! GASP!  Some kids on your campus are even gay or lesbians, and guess what, they're also engaging in pre-marital fornications.  Its college, dude.  Trust me, "most people at the university" is not a statement that includes yourself.  You are far from "most people."  If you didn't want to see the video, why did you go and film it on your phones? Seems like an odd (code word for dumb as fuck) choice.

If you didn't want to be a part of this you probably should have went to BYU.  Could have had some nice, wholesome fun at the Sadie Hawkins dances and young republican mixers at the Student Union. 

Canada Introduces Open Air Urinals to Stem Public Urination...Fail

National Post - Canada’s battle against public urination has a monument, and it stands in Victoria, B.C. Prominently located just across the street from one of the city’s premier theatre venues stands the first of many artisanal urinals designed to rid Victoria’s alleys and alcoves of the unwanted stench of urine. The $60,000 facility isn’t so much a bathroom appliance as a piece of public art. An automatic-flush stainless steel receptacle surrounded by a swirl of light-green tubes, it’s “an attraction in itself,” says Bruce Carter, CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. Designers proudly note that it is the first municipally sanctioned open-air urinal in North America....Europeans have never shared the North American squeamishness for open-air urinals. For decades, French, Spanish and German cities have been peppered with pissoirs; rudimentary urinals mounted behind modest screens. “They were super-functional, but sometimes they were quite beautiful,” says Mr. Soules.

This just goes to prove that governments, no matter where they're located or how progressive, can't help but over pay for things.  $60K for essentially a privacy shield and a block of concrete to piss on in public! What the hell were these guys thinking.  They could have literally put up a three sided card board wall and it would have been fine, that's more than we get in your average indoor urinal anyway.

Plus it was just poorly thought out, the government officials of Canada are clearly missing the spirit of public urination. It's about having to go and just going.  As soon as you designate an area for me to piss in you've ruined it for me.  It would be like the beach cordoning off a section of the water where everyone could go to take a quick piss.  No thanks, guys, I'll pee where I want to.

We're not dogs, we don't just see a fire hydrant and decide we have to piss on it.  And when I do decide to go I'm certainly not going to look for one of these stagnant piss puddle monuments.  I'm still going for the alleyway, alcove door, or simply walking around the corner to a less trafficked sidewalk .  Maybe I'm just a public urination purist, but this just feels too much like a port-a-potty without a roof to me.

Tough Break for the Japanese Disaster in the News Lately, Huh?

Everyone kinda forgot about what's going on over there with all that's happened lately (and by everyone I mean I forgot until I happened to stumble upon a story yesterday).  The Royals getting married, the made of honors ass showing up on every tabloid and internet website for like a week, and then Osama getting shot point blank in the face. Even right here at home, seasonal flooding and tornadoes down south had to kick it up a notch to "once in 100 year" type shit just to compete for headlines.  Crazy.

It's been a hectic 2-3 weeks and apparently the news hasn't had time to check in on the whole nuclear meltdown disaster going on over there.  Have they cooled it down yet? Are the pales of sea water working? Are they still emitting radiation? How's the milk over there?  I have no idea.  If it's not on the front page in bold on FoxNews.com or CNN.com chances are I'm not aware of it.  

And apparently a bunch of Japanese people trying to prevent a nuclear meltdown has taken a backseat to the Republican and Democratic pissing matches over if the Osama shooting was good for this country (newsflash, yes it was). 

Infomercials in the 80's Were Flat Out Obscene: Introducing the Facial Flex

NEW! From the creators of the thigh master comes the "Facial Flex!"  A personal home gym work out for your mouth, perfect for all the working gals, hookers, whores, and even every day loose woman and skanks.  

Want to really impress the next guy you take home from your local bar? Get the Facial Flex today!