Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents Day to All our Alt-Tabbers

No real blogs today, CW taking the day to respectfully look back upon our forefathers and early Presidents to thank them for this day off.  If a group of men, dressed up in tights and wigs, hadn't stubbornly refused to pay their taxes we'd probably be living in a very different place.  Certainly wouldn't have the day off today, which would suck. Then again we'd almost definitely rule the world at soccer, which would be a plus.  The one trade off that I'd have hated the most, Cricket instead of baseball.  Nothing lamer than a bunch of guys trying to play sports in formal dress wear. Shit is whack.

So here's to you George Washington, for standing up for this countries right to play a little game called baseball...Oh and Abraham Lincolns pretty cool too I guess, if it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't dominate the world in basketball. That'd probably be Haiti's domain or something.