Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Protests over Gay Only Toilets in Brazil During Carnival

Awesome, Right?

Fox News - As Brazil prepares for its annual spring carnival festivities, there is disagreement over a proposal that places toilets in samba schools that are designated for exclusive use by gay and transvestite participants. One of the top Rio de Janeiro samba schools preparing for the March 4-9 event: Unidos de Tujuca, has protesters reminiscent of the forced separation between whites and blacks, MyFoxNY reports. "They are carnival apartheid!" said Claudio Nascimento, the head of Brazil’s anti-homophobia program. But supporters of the segregated toilets argue that they provide a safe area for their users. "I don't see any problem," said Iran Araujo, Rio's carnival director who also heads cultural programs for the Independent League of Samba Schools.

Here's a question, who are the straight people protesting for the right to use "gay and transvestite" designated bathrooms? Me thinks these people may just need to come out of the closet.  I'm no homophobe, but I think as a straight man during an event like Carnival I'd appreciate knowing which bathrooms were designated for alternative use and which ones weren't. They aren't proposing this full time, just during the festivities.  Carnival isn't just some normal event, with normal spectators and participants, have you seen pictures of Carnival? Its a full on freak fest, straight and gay people alike.  I think wanting a little heads up about the bathroom you're about to walk into isn't too much to ask just to avoid confusion. 

Criminal Defender Super Hero to Defend Arizona Shooting Suspect

Bloomberg - Judy Clarke has defended some of the most infamous murders and terrorists in the U.S., from Susan Smith, who drowned her children, to “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski, to the so-called 20th hijacker who didn’t make it onto the planes that struck on Sept. 11, 2001...Her newest assignment is Jared Lee Loughner, charged with the attempted assassination of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of U.S. District Judge John Roll in a Jan. 8 shooting spree in Tucson, Arizona, that killed six and wounded more than a dozen. Clarke was appointed yesterday to represent Loughner in Phoenix federal court. 

This is the face of evil personified? I'm reading the headline picturing some kind of creature straight out of the comic books.  Pale face, dark features, snaggle tooth, carries a pocket watch and wears a monacle, and of course, draped in a cape (yes I think Mr. Peanut is a villain).  Instead what do we get? Frigen Jane Goodall look a like, just out there crusading for evil in all walks of life.  That picture figuratively (trying to start a trend, see if we can get people off literally) blew my mind.  

My question, if you're defending people like this (henious, assholes of the world) you have to be just doing it for the thrill and gossip right? I really hope this woman got into defending  super-villains just so she could hear all the juicy details the media never gets their hands on.  Otherwise we should probably lock up this bat-shit crazy broad and throw her in a cell with all her previous clients.  Bitch is nuts.  

I'd figuratively (see, catching on) pass out from anxiety if I was in the same room as some of those people, never mind helping them prep a case and building a defense out of thin air. What kinds of motions could she possibly be filing? "Your Honor, my client really only meant to shoot Ms. Giffords, not the 17 other people?"  Good luck, she might be known as ballsy but one thing her clients all seem to have in common is that they're in jail, locked up. I guess that could be one other reason for defending these creeps.   Maybe she isn't so evil, just a double agent.  Build up your reputation and then bungle the cases so these bastards get locked up. Actually a pretty great career move. 

Pajamas and Jumping Jammerz Are Taking Over

Serious question, what is going on with adults in America right now?  Ryan Gosling showing up on Ellen was one thing, seeing that ludicrous "Jumpin Jammerz" commercial was another, but now I'm seeing reports on the fad on Fox 25 morning news?

It was bad enough seeing pajamas on hood rats and preppies alike when I drive into work and see all the kids outside waiting for their buses.  You want to look ridiculous while you're in high school go for it, that's the time and place, no one takes you seriously then anyway.

Adults hanging out in their "jumpin jammerz"? That's an issue.  Like the second I walk into a friends house to watch a football game and I see a bunch of froot loops sitting on the couch in their footy pajamas I'm snapping a picture with my phone and exiting the premises.  Just sending that photo to anyone I can think of because you deserve to be ridiculed at that point.  I don't need to see Tom from accounting or James from Mergers and Acquisitions in a full bodied, brightly colored unitard.  How am I supposed to work with these guys on Monday after seeing that?

And how did you all get to the party  like that?  Did you change when you arrived, what about shoes, do they fit over the feeties?  I can't think of a lamer scenario than a bunch of adult males all getting to an apartment together and changing into their feety pajamas.  But I doubt you drove in that outfit, if you're pulled over in that outfit you're getting dragged down to the station on suspicion of DUI and pedophilia on the spot.  And I have to believe "Jumpin Jammerz" aint a great look in a prison cell. 

PS: All that said, they do look comfy, I wouldn't mind one for the comfort of my home, minus the hood though, that's weird.  Who can sleep with a hood all bunched up under their neck?

Morning Weather Wake Up: Sexually Frustrated Weather Woman

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Oh, Gross Dude!  I can hear your heavy breathing, I know what you're doing.  Closest this guy's came to a woman in a long time I'm guessing, unless you count his mom who's basement he undoubtedly lives in.

Yep that's right, starting the day off right with low brow jokes.