Friday, November 9, 2012

The Sacajawea Sucks: Fantasy Football and Creative Payment Ideas

So I've been racking my brain the last couple of days on how to pay my fantasy football dues in a somewhat creative way. The past few times I've resorted to writing out checks with bogus memo lines such as "Money Laundering," "Terrorist Funding," "human trafficking," etc...This year I'm looking to change that up, it's gotten a little old, and frankly, I'm not sure how many checks like that I can send out without triggering a federal audit and a possible trip to Gitmo.

Anyway, I came up with a few ideas, taping one dollar bills end to end together, writing hundreds of checks for various random amounts forcing the commish to sign each and every one (yes I'd be signing them too, but it doesn't seem like work when you know there's a hilarious payoff coming), mailing one dollar bills in individual envelopes (stamp cost might not be worth it), and then I came to Sacajawea's. Just paying with rolls of gold coins. Genius, right?

WRONG. So wrong. I wouldn't wish a stack of Sacajawea's on my worst enemy, never mind the commish. Sacajawea's are the WORST.  To the point where I'm not even sure how, in 2012, a year where we've openly discussed getting rid of the penny, and thrown out plans for eliminating physical currency all together, the government and federal mint still thinks there are people out there who won't mind carrying around a satchel of gold shekels like freaking Ebeneezer Scrooge. It's absurd. Have you ever put a $10 or $20 bill into a parking garage pay machine, or subway ticket machine, thinking you'd be getting back a few bills in change only to hear dozens of coins flying out like you just hit the jackpot at a casino slot machine? Such a sinking feeling.

You walk around all day like you just got robbed, because let's be honest, that's not real money. I mean, yea, technically it's legal tender, but no non-sociopath can go into a store and saddle up at the register with a handful of  Sacajawea's with a clear conscience. You're ripping that store off. You know it, the store owner knows it, the people behind you know it. "Look at this cheapskate asshole, ripping off this poor small business proprietor," they're probably all saying. It sucks, I won't do it. I'd rather walk around feeling like I'd been ripped off and take those Sacajawea's home to put them where I belong...In my pathetic coin collection...Couple half dollars, a silver dollar, the odd Deutschmark and kroner here or there, and a pile of Sacajawea's I'll never spend...Just leave them there to collect dust and take it as a loss.

The moral of the story, Commish, rest easy. I won't be paying you in stacks of Sacajawea's.