Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Winner Takes All

 I'm not quite sure what the opportunity is here that he's speaking about, but I am fucking on board. 
And no need to apologize for your tone sir, this is exactly the type of leader our system is craving in our time of need.  We've got Putin marching around like an action hero, the Bolivian president kicking ass and taking names on the pitch, all the while our "leaders" are trying to appease everyone at every turn (and we all know how that turns out).  
This is a man who has it figured out.  Politics aren't touch football! It's winner take all and it all ways has been (except when its not).
So that's it, screw the garbage man career, I'm moving to Stark County and riding this mans coattails to the top. I'm ready to rid the county of infestation. "Tell 'em I'm coming, both barrels, guns loaded."

I can only assume his masters in communication degree was obtained from the Dwight K. Schrute school of speech.


Just one of those days, running way behind from the minute I walked in 5 minutes late (tabbing between all these links probably didn’t help). 

The Fox News PartyI mean that literally. As Politico recently pointed out, every major contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination who isn’t currently holding office and isn’t named Mitt Romney is now a paid contributor to Fox News.
Can they drop the fair and balanced slogan now?  Look I understand that both
major media outlets (CNN and Fox) have their own slants but this seems a bit over the top.  Despite my liberal bias I can’t say I completely blame Fox.  If there is no public, governmental, or regulatory interest in calling out such blatant political and journalistic conflicts of interest into question then why not? 
            The more ironic issue to me is the Republican party, publicly deriding and undermining the current administration with calls of communism and socialism at every corner, all the while lining their pockets with what is fast becoming the official media outlet of the conservative movement.  This would be a perfectly normal occurrence, if you resided in North Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela, or Iran.

Search for Missing Balloonists Called Off – In the words of Chazz Reinhold, “What an idiot!”  In all seriousness, I feel for the families, but I’d be pissed if I was an Italian tax payer paying for this search.  You want to take up adventure sports and fly around in a wicker basket despite several other perfectly sane modes of transportation that’s fine.  But don’t expect an all points bulletin when something literally takes the hot air out from under you.

Big Brother Champ Admits Guilt – It’s not necessarily because he was selling drugs that makes this guy an idiot, it’s the tax evasion charge.  You were on national television! Everyone knows you won.  This genius basically took the exact opposite route that most drug dealers/underworld figures take.  He won a completely legal large sum of cash, only to attempt some kind of bizarre reverse money laundering scheme. 

Hancock Tower Sells AgainThe real estate firm said it has bought the John Hancock Tower for $930 million after a fierce bidding war over the signature tower. Boston Properties already owns the neighboring Prudential building.
            The owners who sold are laughing all the way to the bank.  For those who don’t remember, the Hancock tower was bought in 2009 as a foreclosed property for $660 million.  I’m not sure what economy Boston Properties (the new buyers) have been watching but I haven’t noticed a 30% uptick in real estate prices in the last 12 months.

Read it to Believe it – I’m sure the complete breakdown of states that allow guns in bars correlates very strongly to state funding for education.  The last thing these hicks need is a holstered gun while watching their favorite SEC football teams at their local saloon. I’ll have a sarsaparilla and a six shooter.

Shut Down the Border – First they’re causing multiple car pile ups and now they’re trafficking in designer drugs.  I’m not trying to pick on you Canada but seriously clean up your act.   It’s a sad state of affairs too when Canadians are pulling the wool over on us.  Give credit to the Mexicans, at least they’re keeping us on our toes with underground tunnels and human mules.  Canadians are just slipping it in with flannel shirts, syrup and Canadian bacon imports.