Thursday, September 6, 2012

There Are People Who Maintain Clean Email Inboxes, And There Are those Who Don't

And I straight up don't get those people who don't. Just 1,000 things floating around in their work inbox, no sub folders, no email rules, just the wild wild west in your inbox. You have to be a damn psychotic to be able to put up with that mess. There should be studies and TLC reality shows about these nutso's.

Me? I much prefer tumbleweeds blowing in my inbox. I'd say my average day I spend about 40% of the time doing real, actual work, 30% of the time searching for and consuming interesting articles, and the other 30% of the time purging my inbox of anything and everything.

Work related that could mean research before answering? File it, out of sight, out of mind. If it's one of 20 or so corporate wide emails I'll get that day that in all likelihood I'll never need to read? In the trash. An email from my friends about the weekend or fantasy sports? Respond right away and then delete the old message.

I don't know how anyone does it any other way. I need a pack of Tums just to open my inbox Monday morning after a weekend of not checking in. I can't imagine coming in to that mess every single day. It's unfathomable how people function in that manner.

The number one excuse these inbox hoarders give: "well when someone asks for something I don't have to search all over the place, its just in the inbox somewhere." Yea ok pal, you go ahead and search for that needle in the haystack. I'll be the guy just checking through a few appropriately titled sub folders...And yes every once in a while I do run into a situation where I've got someone standing over my shoulder asking if I got their email (HATE this), only to have to sheepishly retrieve their message from my deleted folder ("How'd that get there?"), but I'll take that awkward situation 100 times out of 100 over having a myocardial infarction every time I need to look back for an old email.