Monday, July 2, 2012

Largest Croc Ever Caught in Phillipines...or So They Think

MANILA, Philippines -- A huge crocodile known as Lolong has brought pride, fear, tourism revenue and attention to the remote southern Philippines town where it was captured. And now it has claimed a world record, too. Guinness World Records declared the giant, blamed for deadly attacks before it was captured last September, is the largest saltwater crocodile in captivity in the world...Lolong measures 20.24 feet (6.17 meters) and weighs more than a ton, Guinness spokeswoman Anne-Lise Rouse said in a statement seen Sunday. The reptile took the top spot from an Australian crocodile that measured more than 17 feet (5 meters) and weighed nearly a ton.

Look, there's no denying that's a big ass croc. Bigger than I'd want to tangle with. But to just go ahead and haphazardly toss around the title of Largest Saltwater Crocodile in captivity...well (pun coming), that's just a crock of shit.

Does no one remember this legendary croc? Baddest reptile perhaps in history, took the hand of one of the most villainous pirates of all time?

Lolong, biggest croc in captivity my ass. Nice try Phillipines.

News Weather Team Trolled by Bart Simpson

Congrats Indeed