Monday, October 18, 2010

Junior Seau Drives off Cliff, Doesn't Die

(CNN) -- Former NFL linebacker Junior Seau was arrested for domestic violence in Oceanside, California, in the early morning hours Monday, hours before he drove his car off a cliff in nearby Carlsbad, authorities said.

That's all they got for him?  I mean he beats his girlfriend, gets busted, Karma tries to punish him for what he did and he just laughs it off?  Karma has to come a whole lot tougher than that, thats just embarrsing. 

Sad thing is this isn't the first time fate has tried to maim Junior.  I once saw this guys arm snap on national television and I'm pretty sure he was lobbying from the sideline to stay in the game, its going to take a bit more than driving off a cliff to end this dudes life. A couple of years later he got trampled by a bull at a rodeo and just dusted himself off like he was playing with the family dog. 

I'm pretty sure at this point that the deal he made with El Diablo is up and the Devil is calling for payment, personally I can't wait to see what is next.  And it really wouldn't surprise me if Bruce Willis' character in Unbreakable was based on Junior.

People are Still Using AOL Mail?

I had a request at work come to me today from someones AOL e-mail address and all I could picture was some guy on the other end anxiously awaiting my response accompanied by the famed "You've Got Mail" voice.  I think I'd be embarrased to have as my  personal e-mail at this point, nevermind my as my business e-mail.  Do you really want people thinking that your business is still using dial up? Or that you spend your days e-mailing people with addresses like Laxxbro83 or xxprincessxx?  I apologize if those are anyones real AOL names...actually no I don't, you have it coming to you if you're still using the same e-mail address from the 8th grade.

It also made me wonder if my old e-mail was still active.  I don't even know how I'd go about checking it at this point, but I'm sure if I could it would be full of porn offers, male enhancement advertisements, and offers of riches from Nigerian royalty. 

Really makes me miss the good old days of the internet, trolling around in chat rooms, gathering people's a/s/l's, making fun of alcoholics in their Alcoholics Anonymous support chats.  Good times, good times.

Fall is Here

And it sucks.  Sneaks up on me every year before I know it, summer and it's carefree, easy going dress code is replaced by heavy sweaters, jackets pants, and worst of all, Uggs.  And it means winter is right around the corner. 

At least winter is honest though, you know what you're going to get.  Fall is my least favorite season for many reasons, but mainly because its dishonest.  The weather fluctuates from raw and wet to windy and freezing, random sunny warm days that remind you of summer just long enough to get your hopes up before they are dashed away by a freak snow storm.  All the inconsistent weather inevitably leads to the first round of office colds that spready like the plague from cube to cube. These never clear up until the spring.  Just when you're feeling healthy it creeps around the corner and spreads through your portion of the office again like the wave coming back around at a baseball game.

While some of you are quick to point out the beauty of the fall and the changing of the leaves, I counter that the leaves are just dying and you'll soon enough be raking and dropping the bagged leaves off at the dump.  Apple Picking?  Sure it was fun when I was a kid, and is probably still enjoyable if you have kids, but I prefer to do my apple picking at the grocery store now.  Just made a trip last weekend, took pictures of me picking them out and everything just for nostalgias sake. 

Outside of Thanksgiving and football season there are really no redeeming qualitites to this season, and thats why fall sucks.

How About a Little Gratitude Belichick, You Know, For the Effort?

Great win for the Pats yesterday, actually huge win given their upcoming schedule.  But I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed in Belichick as I received no credit during the press conference for finally solving and breaking the my personal Brady jersey curse.  How did I do it?  I snapped early this time and benched the jersey shortly before the half (an unprecedented move to this point) and the boys responded with a second half ass kicking that I'm sure Ray Lewis will be bitching about for the rest of the season.

How bad could the Brady Jersey Curse have possibly been you're wondering?  Well first know that I'm not that superstitious, not some kind of weirdo creep. Just a few of the basic superstitions most sports fans can relate to.  I don't like to predict the home teams outcome when people ask how I think the game will go, if the momentum shifts suddenly in a game I assume its because of how I recently repositioned an arm/leg/hand/foot (yes I believe I have magical appendages).  But as silly as those are, the Brady Jersey Curse was real. The last 3 times I wore the jersey before yesterday were: 1)  Pats/Giants Superbowl , 2) Opening Game 2008-Brady's Injury, 3) Home playoff blowout loss to Baltimore last year.  

That's it, those are the 3 other games I wore the jersey, and the curse looked at full power early yesterday until I made the decision to pull it from the game.  So my question, is the curse over, or should I take that jersey out back and burn it?

I Hate Laundray Day

I honestly can't think of a bigger waste of 2-3 hours than laundry day.  I even have a washer/dryer in my unit now and I'll still occasionally go out and buy new underwear just to put off the laundry a few more days.  Am I that lazy or does everyone generally feel this way? Because I honestly have no idea how stay at home mothers and illegal immigrant maids do it.  Just knowing that you're locked down for 3 hours and can't go anywhere. Granted I'd probably be just watching football as I was yesterday anyway but its the principle of the matter.  If I wanted to go out and be productive and say, go to the gym instead of gorge on tacos I know I can't, and that burns me up inside.  And folding? The worst.  My clothes currently exit the dryer and get dumped on the spare bed.  Next time a friend needs to crash here they'll be forced into manual labor unless they feel like an uncomfortable night on the couch.