Friday, December 30, 2011

The Definitive Alt-Tab Happy New Year's Post

HAPPY NEW YEAR...From two guys who may or may not have been a couple of the Chilean Miners...Bet ya didn't think I had anymore Chilean Miner material left, did ya? It's a New Years Miracle.

In all seriousness though, Happy New Year everyone...and as always, if anyone says "See Ya Next Year" today, you have a one time amnesty pass on smacking them in the face with no repercussions.

2011's Definitive Year in Sports Video Recap

Editors Note: This one's brought to you by the AP, so it really might be "Definitive."

In summary: Rich people arguing with even richer people (NFL and NBA), Packers win, Bruins Win, and Collegiate Assistant Coaches made the Catholic Church look like a bunch of Alter Boys...(What? Bad taste in analogy?)

PS: Click the link to the AP's youtube page where this came from, the second most popular comment, "wheres the womens world cup?" That's cute ladies, thinking women's athletics would be in a "Definitive" 2011 sports recap.

2011's Definitive Very Best Fail's Video Recap

What would a day of internet recap's be without a fail compilation? Brought to you by MaYoMo.

By far my favorite part of any fail video is the people in the background gasping in horror, shock, and surprise...I've never really understood that reaction. My stance is, you took out your camera for this, you know this person was doing something stupid and this was your chance to capture an epic fail. Why are you so shocked? This is exactly what you were secretly hoping for...Yes, I'd 100% be that asshole in the background laughing after someone horribly maimed themselves. Call me a dick, but I say I'm just a realist. 

PS: I know it's 12 minutes, but if that opening clip doesn't just warm your heart and suck you in for the entire length of the video...well maybe you're just not cut out for the internet.

DJ Earworm's Definitive Mix of Pop Hits for 2011

Like how I just title things "definitive" without any real justification? Me too. 

Anyway, in continuing with today's year end video theme, here's my favorite mash-up of all of 2011's most popular (or overplayed, depending on your view point) Pop songs. Brought to you by DJ Earworm.

PS: It PAINS me to no end that 2011 was the year that "Moves Like Jagger" and Bruno Mars took over the pop scene...years from now we'll look back and realize this is the year that pop music died, just a little bit.

Double PS: The other popular trend for 2011 (aside from Adele depressing everyone with tales of her lost teenage romance...Get over yourself, that's what teenagers and people in their early 20's do, they breakup) is Whistling...Whistling is back, and it's back big folks. If you laid down a pop track with someone whistling in the background this past year, you were basically assuring yourself serious airtime...Speaking of Whistling.

HyperVocal's Definitive Recap of 2011 In Video Form

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I love year end lists, say what you want, that I'm easily sucked in via a cheap journalistic gimmick, but I just love simplistic recaps. And since copy and pasting all of Time Magazines 2011 Lists just isn't a reality (I'd imagine that'd be infringing on one or 10,000 laws or so), this video is the next best thing, brought to you by HyperVocal.

It's 5 minutes long, if you've been avoiding the news all year long but don't want to feel like totally ignorant to the world at your upcoming New Years party, give it a view, how else are you going to learn everything that happened in the world for the whole year in the time it takes you to view one youtube video on the shitter?  

PS: Video Recaps = Theme of the day.