Monday, May 16, 2011

Man Pulls Gun on Meter Man Attempting to Give him Parking Ticket

Boston Globe - An Everett man is facing charges after he allegedly pulled a gun on a Cambridge parking control officer who had given him a ticket. Fritzner Bellevue, 27, of Everett was illegally parked on Magazine Street when the officer approached his vehicle, Cambridge police spokesman Dan Riviello said. Bellevue was inside the vehicle and the officer told him to move his vehicle or he would be issued a ticket. An argument ensued, and the officer continued his patrol. The officer returned shortly after the encounter and found Bellevue’s vehicle unattended and still illegally parked, and issued him a ticket. As the officer continued his patrol, he allegedly saw Bellevue’s vehicle drive by with the side window down. Bellevue revealed a handgun, Riviello said. “The operator allegedly held up a handgun and waved it at him and threatened him,” he said.

I'm not saying pulling a gun on the guy was the way to go here, but I’m not all that shocked or upset that this guy let the meter man have it a little bit.  There is no job less respectable than the job of meter maid.  A hired douche from city hall who couldn’t get a real job in security or law enforcement, spending your days trolling around with little pads of orange paper, inevitably crusing around town in clown sized cars or hoofing it in your fake police officer uniform.

And no one, I mean no one, has let such a little amount of power get so much to their head.  These guys have the ultimate napoleon complex.  Hey guy, would it kill you to give me a break if I’m sitting in the car, or if you catch me wakling back like 3.5 minutes after the meter expired. Your job isn’t that important, just rip the ticket up and go on with your day.  Your life may suck but it doesn’t have to be miserable getting yelled at and taunted with guns all day.  Just rip up a ticket or be a normal human being once in a while and everything would be cool. Pricks.

The Rapture's Coming May 21st, and I want the Stuff You'll Be Leaving Behind

Not going to lie, I saw this idea elsewhere, and thought, goddamn that's a good idea, why didn't I think of that.  I mean if anyone isn't being taken on their spiritual journey for the Rapture, its me.  I've by no means led a chaste, pure life, and frankly, I haven't found time for repentence, what with the full time job and this blog and all. 

So what did I do? I copied his idea, dead serious.  Hoping to score anything, small or big, but preferably big.  Or maybe even just a few DVD sets, like the complete Scrubs series or something. 

Funniest Human Bicycle at the Airport You'll See Today

Guys, guys, I know you may be uncomfortable coming out, but pulling weird circus stunts on the moving airport sidewalk isn't the way to hide it.  You don't have to pretend to be doing the human bicycle in order to enjoy eachothers company in public anymore.  Being gay isn't the same stigma it once was, you can just go about your day like normal people, no longer perpetuating gay stereotypes.

Unless of course you you really wanted to tongue your friends ass in public...that's still frowned upon.  In that case, carry on with your rouse.  

Guy in the middle must've lost a bet, no?

Dallas Teen Finds and Turns in 2G's in Cash, City Planned to Keep the Money

If you find this in your backyard, don't turn it in.

Fox News - When 15-year-old Ashley Donaldson found $2,000 on a Dallas street and turned it over to authorities, she thought she’d be rewarded for her honesty. But a new city policy has prevented her from pocketing the unclaimed cash, prompting an outcry from the community. In fact, rather than reward the girl, the city policy calls for the money to be treated like contraband -- and added to the municipal coffers.  But under pressure from the public, Dallas police appear to be having a change of heart, saying the girl will likely be given the money she found if the owner doesn’t step forward. “Assuming the rightful owner doesn’t come forward, I think there’s a very good chance she will be awarded the money,” Lt. Chess Williams, spokesman with the Dallas Police Department, told  Williams said money claimed by the city is not taken for a “sinister purpose,” but rather deposited into the city’s general fund and used for the good of the community – like buying new fire hoses or books for the library.

What kind of dicked up place is Dallas, Texas anyway?  People who turn in found cash dont even get to keep it? It gets treated as drug money?  Nothing but crooks and swindlers in Dallas I guess. "Not for a sinister use" my ass.  Buying new books for the library, please, I've heard that one before.  More like paying for politicians bar tabs on their lunch meet and greets for fueling up the gas tanks of political hacks with government cars they use for the family vacation.  Did you honestly expect anyone to believe that cash was going to be used to buy a new fire hose?  That's the worst lie I've heard in my life.  That shit is embarrassing for the experienced and accomplished liar that I'm sure a local politician has to be.

It's not entirely the governments fault though.  If there's one thing I've learned from childhood, it's that if you find money, you just keep it.  True story, I once found a nice crisp $50 spot at my local convenience store back when I was like 12.  Lot of money for a kid that age, could have kept me in cherry flavored slush for an entire summer.  Instead I did "the right thing" and turned it in.   I got called back like 3 hours later, apparently the woman who lost the cash came back and claimed it and left me a reward...A .50 cent Sugar Daddy.  A frigen Sugar Daddy!? Wow, that's it?  .50 cents, are you sure you can afford it, don't want to break the bank on you.  

Granted 12 year old CW was thrilled.  Free candy, right?  Well not a day has gone by that I haven't wondered what my life would have been like if I'd kept that $50.  One things for certain, I'd be $50 richer right now.  But who knows what else could have happened along the way.  That $50 could have led to some computer program investment and I could have beaten Google to the punch, been a multi-billionaire just yamming it up on my island sized yacht somewhere.  Insstead I just got one step closer to another cavity and life as a middle manager.  Life's a bitch sometimes.

Woman Sues Chuckee Cheese for Teaching Kids to Gamble

Yea, looks like he's miserable, no fun at all going on here.

Fox News - A San Diego mother is suing Chuck E. Cheese, the favorite pizza chain of kids across the nation, accusing the restaurant of illegal gambling. Denise Keller, mother of two daughters, says Chuck E. Cheese has replaced its traditional games of skee-ball and whack-a-mole with machines that resemble slot machines, Capitol Weekly reported. The lawsuit says that “many games found at Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurants are illegal gambling devices that require little or no skill and are predominantly games of chance, much like a roulette wheel,” according to the paper. Keller’s attorney, Eric Benink, said the games have flashing lights and bright colors just like slot machines. "There was no fun involved in the game other than an opportunity to win a prize," he told Capitol Weekly. “It’s just pure random luck in terms of spinning out a result. That, we believe, is a slot machine, as California penal code spells out.”

Well no shit lady, way to point out the obvious.  The casino's gotta have some way of training us kids at a young age, just like cigarettes with their awesome Joe Camel, you gotta get your customers while they're young and impressionable. Everyone knows that, and everyone until now has seemed ok with it until you came along and ruined all the fun.  Suing Chuckee Cheese for teaching kids to gamble is like suing the Church (is Church capitalized when you say "the" in front of it?) for teaching kids to drink during communion.  It's kind of just a given that everyone accepts.

And what is this shit line about "no fun involved in the game, other than the opportunity to win a prize."  Umm, have you been a child?  That is the fun.  You think I averaged 5 boxes of cereal a week from ages 5-10 for my health? I was scarfing down Frosted Flakes and Cinnamon Toast Crunch like it was my job for years just collecting x-ray glasses, yo-yo's and various other trinkets that were no where near worth the risk of childhood obesity, but I did it for the prize, it was fun.    

So is entering a token into a machine and pressing a button hoping to win more tokens or tickets which you can change in for various noise makers and Indian Headdresses gambling? Well yes, yes it is.  And it's also a lot of fun.

Man Terrified and Skeptical of The Devils Stairs During First Escalator Ride

Sure, everyone laughs now that they've been riding these things for years, but not one of you can tell me you weren't at the very least anxious as shit riding escalators as a child, if not flat out petrified.

For me it wasn't so much getting on, it was the approach to the exit.  My palms would start sweating about mid way up, I'd legit be in a sprinters stance, ready to bound as soon as the top of the escalator came into view.  

My parents stunted my development into thinking casually exiting the escalator would lead to my foot being dismembered in a heinous and painful way.  That line of thinking kept up all the way until I was 13 or so and went to the mall alone with a few friends for the first time.  I shit you not, we got on the escalator, and just like every other time I was on my marks from the start, and blasting off that escalator just as it started to crest the top.

Well imagine my embarrassment when I turned to see my friends were still a solid 5 steps from the top when I turned back.  Jaws agape at what they had just witnessed.  I played it off as just goofing around, but I think deep, deep down, they knew.

Nothing haunted my dreams more as a child.