Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Family Rituals

Ah, Thanksgiving, right around the corner.  Food, drinks, football, all the ingredients that make up CW's favorite holiday (and by ownership, the official holiday of The Alt-Tab).  No real surprise there, all three when mixed properly allow a catatonic like zoning out affect that magically comes around once a year.  Conversation grinds to a halt, everyone fades in and out of naps, communication consists of grunts towards the television during the football games and the occasional lazy hand gesture when another helping of food is required to be passed around.  Heaven.

But that's all post-meal bliss.  Leading up to this once yearly state of nirvana is the family gathering, a staple of the holiday season.  Most families will share traditions, recipes, exchanging of children's Christmas wish lists (there's always that one kid who aims a bit too high with their wish list much to the annoyance of family members.  I can only assume in hindsight that it was me as a child, so to my immediate family I apologize), and carving of the turkey honors.  

My families Thanksgiving tradition is a bit different than most I would assume.  To us the holidays are a chance to get together and compete in one-upping one another with regards to medical ailments and health issues.  Conversations run the gamut from pace-makers, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, hearing aids, vision, an array of surgeries, vision complaints, back pain, psoriasis, eczema, leprosy, and gingivitis.  You need a medical dictionary just to get through it.  The competition is for the head of the table.  The worse your affliction or collection of ailments the better your seat at the table.  My Grandfather has had a firm grasp on the title for years now with the aforementioned hearing aid and pace-maker, though my Mom has mounted a serious challenge this year that could make it an interesting race for the first time in as long as I can remember.  

As for me, I've been stuck at the children's table long past the regularly acceptable age.  Just haven't been able to crack the big leagues and gain entrance to the adult table.  Sure every few years I come in with stitches or a pulled groin, but that's just child's play with this group.  Nothing short of major surgery or threatening illness is going to get me to the big show.  Same for the CW's brother.  Biggest hypochondriac I know, comes up with a wild array of imagined illnesses and injuries each year, none of them are good enough.  The adults in our family are a savvy, veteran group of the walking wounded, they see right through his fictional complaints and chuckle at his efforts.

Sadly all has been well on the health front once again this year for your fearless leader.  Just one more year of eating off unstable fold up tables with chairs so short I might as well be kneeling.  There's always next year though.

Pope Ok's Male Prostitution, WTF?

CNN - Pope Benedict XVI said in comments released Saturday that the use of condoms may be morally acceptable in some cases to prevent the spread of AIDS, possibly foreshadowing a shift in the Roman Catholic Church's stance on the issue..."There could be single cases that can be justified, for instance when a prostitute uses a condom, and this can be a first step towards a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, to develop again the awareness of the fact that not all is allowed and that one cannot do everything one wants," Benedict said..."I think the point he was trying to make, when somebody is using a condom, not so much to prevent new life, which has always been the Catholic Church's big concern, but to prevent the transmission of disease than it would be OK,"

Umm, what? Is the Pope pimping male prostitution? Sounds like it right? The whole "when somebody is using a condom, not so much to prevent new life...but to prevent the transmission of disease than it would be ok" quote really threw me for a loop for a minute.  Then it hit me, when would the use of a condom prevent disease but not new life?  Male on Male prostitution that's when.  

A huge change in stance from El Padre, I just hope its not some round about way for the church to avoid having to condemn their own priests and clergy members.  Wouldn't want the Pope confusing male on male prostitution with pedophilia (but hey, way to weigh in on everyone's private lives once again while still blatantly ignoring on going problems in your own house).

Morning News Fail

You just hafta feel bad here.  This is obviously some 3rd rate morning news show, in some podunk, backwoods area.  They'd probably hyped this segment for weeks in hopes of boosting their viewer ship.  Just an awful turn of events for these people.  And I know you just failed miserably and all, but Jesus ladies, hold it together will you?  Yea you suck at your jobs and all but at least try and blame it on your production crew instead of selling yourselves out with that "This is a metaphor for our show, another crash and burn quote."  Way to keep a united front.

PS: Am I crazy or would "Are You Kidding Me?!" make a great title for a sitcom centered on three love-able losers who work on a poorly produced morning news show.  I smell a hit. 

Mena Suvari Was Gross

I'm not the only one that thought Mena Suvari was ugly from the very beginning, right?  Not even Hollywood ugly, but just plain old, regular life ugly.  I'm up late with a case of Sunday night insomnia watching American Pie 2 and I still can't figure out what producers and directors saw in her, and this is like 10 years later.  I was 15 when American Pie came out.  At that age boys will find just about any girl under 200 pounds attractive, so to say  I found her ugly from the get go is really saying something, yet here she was landing roles in coming of age type movies.

I'm just glad everyone smartened up fairly quickly.  I took a quick peek at her IMDB page, which much to my relief, confirmed that here career has severely stagnated since 2001 (seriously, in 2005 it got so low that she took a role as a character just titled as "whore").  Ironically enough it was probably her most critically acclaimed movie that did her in.  The scene in American Beauty where Ricky (the creepy kid next door) called her out on being ugly sealed her fate.  The blinders were lifted and everyone took a good close look, the verdict was in...ugly as charged.