Thursday, November 11, 2010

Indoor Soccer Wrap Up, Week 2

Yep, its that time of the week again.  Team B-8 (or gold) was in action again last night, hopeful and optimistic coming off of last weeks mildly good performance.  The team played well and lived up to expectations for about 45 minutes, clearly the better team on the pitch.  But as is always said about indoor soccer, you have to play the full 50 minutes. 

B8 fell asleep at the wheel for about 5 minutes and the result was a scoring barrage by the Green Monsters that will likely be talked about for years.  By the end there was nothing the good guys could do but hang their heads in defeat and look to next week.

B8's feared striker Pascal played exceptionally well even in defeat, tallying multiple goals on his way to earning this weeks game ball.

Also, we're still struggling for a name.  Feel free to drop a suggestion in the comment section.  Last week's suggestions sucked, fyi. Gloucester's Child Stars? Really? Wasn't the pregnancy pact like two years ago? Way to stay topical.

Stranded Cruise Ship Docks

(CNN) -- The disabled Carnival cruise ship that lost power at sea is docking in San Diego, California, on Thursday, aided by tugboats that are pushing it into place. The passengers -- all 3,300 of them -- will disembark with tales from the three-day ordeal that began with a fire in the ship's engine room. Engineers were unable to restore power to the ship after the fire was extinguished, leaving passengers without air conditioning, hot showers or decent meals. Instead, they had to settle for Spam and Pop-Tarts dropped off by the USS Ronald Reagan, which came to assist...Cahill said the crew has done the best it can in making the passengers comfortable, including offering free drinks.

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds awesome? Even without power, being stranded on a cruise ship sounds like a great time.  Free booze, pop-tarts and spam, sounds like weekends in college except better because of the free alcohol (I'll admit I didn't eat spam in college, but I had a lot of bologna sandwiches, and lets be honest, we're just splitting hairs here if we're comparing spam to bologna).  Plus you know everyone is hooking up all over the place, its a cruise without power, what else are they all going to do (I really hope it isn't one of those Single Senior Citizens cruises though, thats an awful mental image).  So yea, the customers can spare me the high-falluting nonsense that they won't be taking Carnival up on their offer for a free cruise.  These people probably just had the time of their lives and now they're trying to milk it for freebies.  Cry me a river.

Chilean miners at it again

Fox Sports - A Chilean miner ran, walked and hobbled his way to the finish line of the New York City Marathon on Sunday, showing the passionate grit that helped him survive more than two months trapped underground.  Edison Pena crossed the Central Park finish line at 3:24 p.m., with a time of 5 hours, 40 minutes, 51 seconds. He was draped in a Chilean flag as Elvis music played over the speakers...The miner cut his steel-tipped electrician's boots down to ankle height so he could train each morning and afternoon along the rocky, muddy 1,000-yard corridor where the men were trapped.  He built up strength by dragging a large wooden pallet that was attached to a cord tied to his waist.

Oh come on people! We're still believing this? Really? If you jogged around your apartment hallway each day in sawed off steel toed boots do you think that would prepare you for running 26.5 miles?  That's an outrageous claim.  It's like these guys are testing just how much we'll believe at this point.  If any gringo made a claim half as preposterous there'd be an ESPN Outside the Lines report on cheating and lying amongst American Distance Runners.  This is an outrage.  I could settle for a few "celebrity" appearances here and there, that's fine.  But when you start showing just how dumb my fellow country men (not to mention our media outlets who continue to fall for this story) are that's where I draw the line.  Frigen Chile, you've made an enemy for life.

Axe Makes Commercial of the Year

You can stop the balloting, it's not even a contest (here's the link if the video goes dead on my site).  The best part about it, it's not even the least bit subtle yet there is really nothing the tight-wads at the FCC can do about it.  But my question, why don't they put this baby on prime-time? Really push their luck.  I've only caught this commercial after midnight while I'm falling asleep (which is why I kept forgetting to blog it).  I wonder if that dork Kevin Nealon can even include this in his funniest commercials of the year show.  They always seem to make him tone it down and pick the safe commercials.  Guy must hate what his career has turned into.

PS: How many cuts do you think this took to film? 20? I can tell you for sure I would have been kicked off the set.  Would have just kept saying Nuts instead of Balls just to mess with everyone.  Probably would have been funny the first 3 or 4 times but I'm pretty sure they'd escort me out after that. 

Powerball Winner Bought Ticket at Porn Shop

Fox News - An adult bookstore in Michigan that offers pornographic movies and sex toys has also sold a winning lottery ticket worth $128 million, reports...The winner has not yet come forward. According to Powerball rules in Michigan, winners cannot remain anonymous when they claim their win. Residents in the area say the ticket sale will likely boost sales at the shop. "Maybe it's a lucky spot," one resident told the station.

There are going to be a couple of very lucky divorce laywers in Michigan very soon. Make no mistake about it, the winner hasn't come forward because he's married and trying to figure out a way not to give his wife half after she divorces his ass for hanging out down at the porn shop.  I mean this is just the break I'd imagine any unhappy housewife is looking for.  Chance to split with deadbeat, skeevy husband (presumably) and come away with millions and self-respect.  Smells like another Lifetime Original!  

Only question is which way they'll go when casting the husband.  Is he the up-tight, church going, t-shirt tucking in guy who you'd never expect is some kind of closet perv?  Or the sloppy, alcoholic, wife abusing degenerate that's kept his wife living in fear for years?  I'd go with the up-tight guy.  Probably cast Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.

Dude Gets His Ass Beat By Female; Promtly Alerts Media With Video

There's a lot of shit going on here, but first and foremost this guy just got his ass straight beat.  This was no bitch slap and then retreat, this woman brought the ruckus, just came right at him throwing punches and straight leg kicks like she was a character in the old Street Fighter arcade game.  Moving on, a few questions at play now that the video is out. 

First, and most obvious, why on earth would he draw attention to the fact that he couldn't defend himself against a women?  This wasn't even a close fight, I was actually rooting for him to get a shot in just so it would be fair, didn't even matter that it was a woman.  I'm not one to condone a man beating a women but this clearly was not your typical situation.  Hey guy, put down your precious I-phone roll up the sleeves on your mock turtleneck (yea you can't tell what he's wearing in the video, but lets be honest, he looks like the kinda guy that would wear mock turtle neck ensembles...and he would call them ensembles, are you catching my drift?), and do some work.  Wrap this bitch up in a bear hug or something. You're embarrassing yourself. 

Secondly, and this is the big one, what do you think he said?  Had to be racial right? Like a standard Bitch or C-word wouldn't have got this kinda response, would it?  Stuart Wilkerson can cut the shit that he was just trying to take a picture of her (of course his name is Stuart, it all makes sense now, the odds of your child loving the ballet and art galleries increase at least 300% when you name them Stuart).  I've had my fair share of run-ins with MBTA workers, I've called them plenty of names and been belligerent on numerous occasions.  They put up with a lot of shit, he had to have said something really outrageous.  

Finally, isn't it just a general rule of thumb that if you ask for directions from an MBTA worker they'll lie to you?  There are wall sized maps every 15 feet at these train stations, gigantic signs that state in-bound or out-bound, and announcements in Spanish and English alerting you to train arrivals.  I have no pity on you if the workers play a practical joke and send you in the wrong direction, at that point you're just asking for it.