Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love, Hate, or Tolerate Your Job?

Which category do you fit into?  I work for a very large company, in a particularly large department.  I can't help but notice the a-typical bell curve distribution in our office for people who either love, hate or tolerate their jobs.  I'd say just by observation (because we here at the Alt-Tab do not support the scientific method in any form) there is a very meaty mid-section of employees who tolerate their jobs, but are ultimately indifferent towards their status as an employee (aside from the pay check and benefits), I'm talking like +80%.  Is this the usual breakdown though? Are all jobs/careers this way, or are the people who work for Google all infinitely happier than the rest of us? Here's the breakdown as I see it.

Group 1 -People Who Love Their Jobs (7%) - There can be a number of factors for why someone loves their job, but I'd guess the most common is how rewarding they find it.  Certainly not the case at this cube farm.  Its actually a very good place to work, I'd just stop short of calling it rewarding.  I've never went home feeling like I did some good in the world after a long day of scrolling through excell sheets and deleting countless e-mails.  No, the people who happen to love their jobs love it for different reasons.  Some for money (at the higher up level anyway), fresh out of college and haven't been beaten down by the realities of adult life, foreigners who came to America for a better opportunity (and haven't realized that this isn't it yet), and the small fraction of people amongst us that are just blissfull no matter what is going on in their lives.  Safe to say I'm not any of those people and do not fit into this category.

Group 2 - People who hate their jobs (11%, and growing) - I wish I was one of these people (its true, I'm not, we'll get to that in a bit). These are the people who quit when they realize they don't like something, they'll go on their way and find something that they love, most of them will end up in group 1, they should be congratulated.  Not everyone has the stones to take a chance and move on in search of something better.  I'd do it, but bloggers without any advertising tend not to get paid well, and sadly, I'm a consumer first and foremost, I need my paycheck.  Also, I mention growing because less and less of these miserable bastards are quitting their jobs as a result of the economy. The result is actually quite depressing.  Less people realizing their dreams, plus you have more assholes at work who don't give a shit about their job, making it more miserable for the rest of who are just punching in and out every week.  Really harshing the whole "working for the weekend" mood around here.

Group 3 - People who tolerate their jobs (82%) - The meaty middle, this is where the CW lands. Content to have a decent job, not happy, not miserable, just going about my usual business.  Some of us are here because you're still in school and haven't moved on yet, some gave up their dreams long ago and took a practical job, some got knocked up too young and are now stuck where they are because of the flexible schedule and good benefits, some of you lucked into a job you had no business deserving but can't go elsewhere because you're not capable of getting a job on par with your current one, but most just haven't figured out what they want to do with their life (cough/ahem). They go out, have fun, get drunk, make a mistake or two, laugh it over with their friends later.

So in a roundabout way that is my "What I'm thankful for" Thanksgiving Blog.  Happy to have a decent job and do fairly well, but happier realizing that life is made up of so much more than the place you spend 40 hours a week to collect a paycheck. 

Lady Pees In Store

Look, I don't blame the lady here, frankly she didn't even do anything that out of the ordinary.  Sometimes you just have to go, it's happened to me before and when the situation arises you don't think you just act.  I'm not proud of it (actually I am, they're still funny stories whenever they're told, except for one that's not true) but desperate situations call for desperate actions and this lady was desperate.  Sure the store probably had a bathroom, and sure given the relatively small amount of piss involved here she in all likelihood could have held it but that's beside the point, and who are we to judge?

I do have a problem with her partner in crime here.  What the fuck is he doing?  Touching and sniffing the pee.  That's way out side the responsibilities of a Public Pissing Decoy.  Dude, your job is to get in, run a distraction and get out.  You don't have to wallow, smell, and taste the piss.  That's just disgusting.  

Plus if the store owner wasn't sure it was piss before he is now.  You're just working too hard to sell it.  No stranger would bench down and run their hand in any liquid and sniff and taste it.  Like when is the last time you walked into a convenience store and gave a puddle on the ground the old taste test? Just a dead give away.

PS: Yes I know this is like a week late, it got stuck at the bottom of my topics list.

Congrats to the Miz?

So Mike "The Miz" from back in the day on the Real World is the new WWE champion (that's the WWF Moniker for any of those who stopped watching wrestling way back in the 4th grade in attempt to make something of your life like I did)?  

I'm not sure what is the sadder state of affairs here; a once proud wrestling franchise crowning a reality tv member as champion? Or the fact that The Miz has to be the most successful post Real World member yet. I'm leaning towards more embarrassing for wrestling.

I think its a given going in that most of the cast members of the Real World know that the show will be the high point of their lives.  Sure some will move on to a semi-lucrative career on the Challenge circuit but deep inside they all know people are only tuning in to see their drunk antics, hook-ups and fights.  It's really no different than the Jersey Shore, and no one will ever confuse any of those cast members for anything but degenerates.  So The Miz breaking out and finding success in something other than an established MTV franchise is a mild accomplishment.  Even if the only real difference between what he does now and what they do on challenges involves a little less alcohol, and a little more body oil.  Really, both require the wearing of spandex, the using of steroids, and both shows are heavily produced and scripted despite what most people believe.

As for the WWFE, come on really? A reality star, has it really gotten that low?  I knew it was getting bad when J-WOWW (aforementioned Jersey Shore Fame, I know most of you know who she is, I have one friend who refuses to keep up with anything pop-culture related) made an appearance but this is just a new low.  

Back in my day Wrestling Champions were real men.  Hulk Hogan, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, and my favorite, The Ultimate Warrior.  These guys were beasts put on the earth for two reasons; to eat steroids and kick ass.  They didn't become famous for drunkenly marching around on reality TV pretending to live out some childhood fantasy.  That can't be all it takes these days.  There's probably 1000's of 10-12year olds who do the same thing everyday (minus the booze hopefully), just because an adult does it doesn't make him a wrestler.  Good to see I made the right choice ditching wrestling back in the 4th grade.  Knew it wasn't headed in the right direction way back then.  Guess I'm just a visionary.