Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Enlightened NYC Public Libraries Allow Porn on their PC's. Score One For Free Speech.

(NewsCore) - New Yorkers can watch internet porn at the city's public libraries thanks to a policy of free speech protected by the First Amendment, the New York Post reported Monday. "Customers can watch whatever they want on the computer," said Brooklyn Public Library spokeswoman Malika Granville, describing the anything-goes philosophy that is the rule at the city's 200-plus branches.   Library patron Daisy Nazario, 60, said she was disgusted when she discovered she was sitting next to an elderly porn watcher in the Brooklyn Central Library recently. The man was using library-provided extensions on the sides of his computer to block the view of his screen -- which was featuring a threesome at the time -- "but I could still hear the voices," Nazario said. "It is very disrespectful to the children."  Under US law, all libraries that take federal funding only must install filters on publicly used computers to block content containing illegal obscenity and child pornography, and New York City officials say they comply to the letter. If localities want to further restrict viewing, they must specifically enact a policy, although the move almost certainly brings with it legal challenges. Library officials and civil libertarians say it is a free speech issue. "In deference to the First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, the New York Public Library cannot prevent adult patrons from accessing adult content that is legal," said New York Public Library spokeswoman Angela Montefinise.

So this is a real thing huh? Like that guy I pictured browsing porn in an apple store last week (and above) wasn’t a fluke? The old people are catching up with the times with the sole purposes of viewing internet porn? Good for them.  What the fuck, right? They’re going to kick the bucket soon, might as well get a taste of the enjoyment us young whiffersnappers are all crazed about.

I mean what else are they going to do? Read about the most recent rape or murder? Watch another world war ii documentary? Newsflash these guys were in world war ii. They don’t need to watch some Tom Brokaw edited 3 hour snore fest to know what went on over there. Plus stamp collecting has gotten awful boring lately with these Forever stamps.  Been looking at the same damn image of the liberty bell for like 4 freaking years now. How about a little variety here post office.

Love how the library provides the privacy booths.  The library is about 2-3 steps away from just becoming a modern day peep show.  Throw a box of tissues next to it and make the internet dollar bill operated and you’ve got yourself a bonafide adult entertainment center.

I mean what else are people going there for anyway, books? You can get just about any book free on your computer or e-reader. Computers? This uppity bitch complaining about the old man can calm down, computers run like $250-$300 dollars these days and you can steal your internet for free just about anywhere in NY I would think with all the Dunks, Starbucks, McD's and local hipster coffee houses around.  Stop being a cheapo and put that pc on lay away.  Pretty much the only legit libraries these days are university libraries, its about time public libraries changed up their business plan in favor of a more profitable product.

Mexican Actress Gets Away With Citizenship Marriage Scam, Something Tells Me It's Because of Her Looks

Fox News - Fernanda Romero did the crime, but she won't do any time. That's the deal the Mexican-born actress agreed to when she admitted lying to immigration officials about her bogus marriage. Romero, who had bit roles in American films but is perhaps best known for her role in the Mexican soap opera "Eternamente Tuya," confessed to entering into a sham marriage with Kent Ross so that she could remain in the United States.  The pair was charged in April 2010 for the fake marriage, but a jury deadlocked on the case last year. The pair eventually entered a plea agreement that calls for probation but no jail time. U.S. District Judge Manuel Real is scheduled to sentence the couple on Monday.

No shit she's not doing jail time.  While she may have entered into the marriage for the benefit of US citenship you can bet your ass he did it for love, or at the very least lust.  I can tell you one thing for sure, this wasn't a cash for citizenship marriage.  This was a straight, "damn you're a smoking hot Mexican Senorita and I want you to share a marital bed with me" type of marriage.  Guy didn't care if it was a sham on her end, it was real for him.

Something tells me the justice system wouldn't have been as lenient if the girl looked like your averaged rented burro.  I guess the illegal immigration game is just like every other walk of life, the beautiful people get all the perks.

Not News: 16 Year old Kid Gets Laid on Spring Break... News: By a 33 Year Old MILF

Orlando Sentinel - A 33-year-old Apopka woman and a 16-year-old boy exchanged hundreds of text messages and had a sexual relationship over spring break, police said Friday. Cindy Rotarius was arrested Thursday on three counts of sexual assault of a 16- or 17-year-old victim by a person 24 or older, a second-degree felony. Rotarius told officers her relationship with the boy began March 26 and ended April 5, a report states. Rotarius contacted the boy on Facebook, and his sister saw them meet several times, police said. They went bowling, and he came over to play Playstation 3 and watch movies, according to the report. She and the boy separately told police that they had sex, officers said.In text messages, Rotarius asked the boy not to tell anyone because she was afraid she would lose her children, the report says. 

 Smart move by the MILF, PS3 is like the roofies of teenage boys, just total mind control after they've zoned out for an hour or so. Something tells me this isn't her first, she's a veteran all right.

And to Cindy Rotarius, you may lose your children, but you're definitely about to gain a whole lot more Facebook friends from your local high schools.  Going to be the most popular middle age woman in South Florida, that's for sure.  Kids just booking Spring Break getaways based on your prison release schedule, grocery store bagger boys lining up to walk your groceries to the car, local kids bidding there yard work services for you. 

So yea you may be going to jail for a felony, but that's nothing compared to the lifetime of niceties you're about to incur from horny teenagers.

Aetheists Saying Judgement Day on May 21st is "Nonsense," Which is Good News I Guess

(CNN) – We've told you about the caravan of RVs touring the country to warn people about the end of the world, which they say will begin on May 21. Now, the American Atheists are mounting a counter-campaign. The group has posted a billboard in Oakland, California - home to Family Radio, which is spreading the "awesome news" that Judgment Day is near - declaring that such messages are "nonsense." "The Rapture: You KNOW it's Nonsense," the American Atheists' billboard announces. "2000 Years of 'Any Day Now.'" The billboard - which cost $27,000, according to the group's website - invites passers-by to "Learn the Truth" at the group's "Rapture Party" on May 21-22 in Oakland. The atheists also plan to hold parties in Houston, Texas, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the website says. "This is how religion hurts people, one of the many ways religion hurts people," American Atheists President David Silverman told CNN Oakland, California, affiliate KGO. "Our hope is that those who are not suckered in will learn from the people who are."

Well now I'm just confused. Do I need to get my affairs in order or not?

I guess I'm inclined to go with the Aetheists on this one.  I mean they've been correct for the last 2000 years or so, so they definitely have history on their side.  Plus they readily took up my idea for throwing a bash of a party on May 21st and 22nd just to spite the repentence fools.  

My only request in all of this is if the rapture doesn't come May 21st, would the End of the World nut jobs at least give me a heads up on there next proposed Armageddon date?  I mean 2 months was really short notice.  One minute I'm out celebrating, day drinking on St. Pattys Day, the next I'm stuck trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the last 2 months of my life.  That shit wasn't cool.  How about a bit more lead time this time around, it is the end of the world after all, kind of a big event.  Most people can't just throw on any outfit and be ready to go, it takes some planning.

Is There Any Holiday Mascot Creepier Than The Easter Bunny?

Well that's just bad parenting.  Like of course these kids damn near shit their pants.  The Easter Bunny is a creepy enough character when it's just a pedophile dressed up taking pictures with kids on his lap at the mall.  That's scary enough.

But to invite that perverted rabbit to your home and have him creep on your kids like a registered Peeping Tom? Would you really expect any other reaction.  

What are the kids supposed to do? Be excited that the human size bunny with huge buck teeth is stalking them in the night.  Shit is scary as hell and I'm an adult. To this day I avoid the mall during the whole Easter season, too many repressed memories I don't feel like digging up.  Someone needs to call Social Services on these parents, stat!

Sinister looking bastard

White Girl Raps "Look At Me Know," Kills It. Not in the White Person Way, but in the Black, "dope" way.

Chris Brown is going to be pissed, I don't know if you've heard hunny, but he's got a temper when it comes to chicks, I assume that extends to white girls ripping his songs too.

There is still something so disturbing about watching white people rap, isn't there? It's just not our natural setting. I feel like Andy Samberg is the only one who legit pulls it off. Guy's got street cred for days from his SNL gig. 

This girl absolutely killed this song, sounded perfect, just as annoying as the real Nikki Minaj, which is saying something.  But the whole time I kept thinking, why isn't she singing a song like Skater Boi? 

I guess when it comes to pop music CW is as racist as everyone else?

Typical Lawrence, Stabbing Party Breaks Out at Baby Shower

LAWRENCE - Two people have been stabbed in a Lawrence apartment after what the police chief calls a "baby shower that went awry." Officers responding to a report of a stabbing late Saturday found between 50 and 100 people at the apartment. Police Chief John Romero tells the Eagle-Tribune that the stabbing was proceeded by a fight that apparently began when someone threw a bottle that struck a woman. Romero says the woman's husband then pulled out a knife. Romero says the victims' injuries weren't life-threatening. Two men were arrested on charges including assault and battery. Romero says there was alcohol at the party. He says the two men who were arrested appeared to have been under the influence.

Ah life in Lawrence.  This really takes me back to childhood.  A young CW running around reaking  havoc, a young "banger" in the making.  Fortunately for everyone we moved before anything disastrous happened.

See this is why guys dont go to baby showers.  One minute everyone's having a great time playing guess the poop with everyone's favorite candy bars and huggies, the next Enrique is getting bottled and shanked by Ernesto after being accused of cheating after scoring an impossible clean sweep on all chocolate loaded diapers.  Guya are just too competitive for those girly "we're just doing this for fun games." We're either going to win and be poor sports about it, or lose and stab our competitors out of spite, its just our nature.