Friday, October 21, 2011

Alt-Tab Links of the Day: MC Hammer, Racist Skeletons, Two Toilet Based Links, and More!

Yea, it's Friday, I got lazy, here we go:
MC Hammer Creates Search Engine to Compete With Google - Hammer Don't Hurt Em! Why the hell didn't I think about that, I'm over here dead tired trying to produce new content daily and Hammer's just like "hey, I think I'll create a search engine today and see if I get some traffic." Damnit that's brilliant...Plus it gives him another chance to throw on those parachute pants one more time.

Man Living as "Adult Baby" Free to Continue Collecting Social Security Checks - Jesus H. The world is just smacking me in the face today. Kids not even dumb like a baby, he's just a dude who figured out how to game the system. Stay at home, get taken care of, drink out those bottles which are actually wicked convenient on the go. Sure sleeping in an adult crib might cramp your game with the ladies, but free $900 a week to stay home and play lego's is pretty legit. Plus those feety pajamas (video) are fire.

Darren Rovell Uncovers Greatest Bathroom of all time - I don't know about you but I'll rain three's on that hardwood, all day. ALL DAY. Don't challenge me. Might have to drive in for a layup towards the end of the stream though, unless this is like a legit basketball court complete with those towel boys who wipe down the floor whenever it gets wet. PS: Totally devoted 5 minutes to brainstorm a way to simultaneously film myself hitting from three, but not end up in some sort of Brett Favre like scandal...can't be done.

 Apparently Hanging A Skeleton With the Saw Mask By a Noose is Considered Racist in Virginia -One  complaint literally called for the skeleton to "change the black wig to a blonde wig" in order to avoid confusion. Confusion to what? Unless that's Rick James hanging up there, that black person has the longest, straightest and silkiest hair I've ever seen...Not to mention that most black people aren't going to see much family resemblance between the puppet from Saw and themselves.

Toilet Blog #2! Study Confirms, Public Bathrooms are Disgusting Cesspools - I really hope ya'll appreciate the work I put in daily from my second office. Just posting up in the handicap stall, apparently exposing myself to everything but but gingivitis. It's freaking gross. But that's just how I show my commitment to you...So do me a favor and please, pleaaaaseeee don't let Hammer out hit me. I might not recover from that.