Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Alt-Tab's Big, Huge, Ginormous, Announcement!

So obviously this whole blogging on vacation thing has been a bigger joke than yesterday's east coast earthquake (Did you feel it?!? Did you facebook or tweet that you felt it? Oh my fucking god that's amazing, I can't believe you felt it! Who else felt it?! I must know! Calm the fuck down everyone we get it, you felt the minor earthquake).  Coming out swinging promising all these linked based blogs...yea right. No frigen chance. I'm like soup over here on vacation number two, just sleeping in every day till my back feels sore and then starting my day.  Needless to say blogging just hasn't factored in.

But enough about that...the big news is: THE ALT-TAB IS GOING TO BROADWAY! (Well, off broadway, but I felt the caps locks and Broadway would be more attention grabbing).  Yep, that's right, we've finally made it, Lively Productions, will be putting on a show titled "Blogologues: I Need a Vocation" on August 29th at Under St. Marks theater in New York.  The show will feature the performances of several different blogs, obviously including our very own "Office Etiquette: Washing Your Hands at Work" post (reading it back I hope they correct my grammatical errors, I'm not one to waste a lot of time on spell checking). I'm certain they just stumbled upon us one day and were taken a-back by the enormous writing talent and story telling ability that is CW. Frankly, I'm shocked producers aren't lined up around the corner bidding for my creative genius services, but it's a down economy, I get it.

So anyway, if you're in the NY area this coming Monday check out the show, its playing at 7:30, and 9:00 PM, tickets are $15 and include a beer (so its not like you're getting ripped off like if you bought one of my t-shirts). Personally, you're crazy if you're in the tri-state area and miss this...a chance to see the ground floor for an aspiring and sure to be historic writer. How can you pass?

PS: We're back full time on Monday, I've got plenty of great anecdotal blogs lined up from vaca along with the usual batch of news stories and snippy commentary.