Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Snow Came Yesterday, Bad Drivers and Facebook Updates Followed

So yesterday was the first real snow fall of the year. And in traditional fashion drivers all around Greater Boston freaked out and screwed up everyones commute. Happens every year on the first snow storm, no matter how little snow we actually get.   Pretty standard play, been going on for decades so I'm told, but there's been a new wrinkle these past few years.  'Tards facebooking their status updates while stuck in the traffic jam. 

You couldn't log on to facebook yesterday without seeing at least 3 or 4 updates of people bitching and moaning about how long its taking them to get home. Umm, hello? You don't think you're contributing to the problem as you update your status while stuck in traffic in the middle of a snow storm? Pretty sure you're not the model of safe and efficient driving in that case. 

And this isn't to let off all the other captain obviouses who waited until they get home to update their status about how bad the drive was. I could understand if you were upset if you had somewhere to be or were missing out on something, but chances are your night was going to be pathetic anyway if the first thing you did when you got out of your car for the first time in 2 hours was rush to your computer to update your status.  Pretty sure that microwaveable mac & cheese and DVR'd episode of CSI were still waiting for you when you finally got home. 

And everyone's got that one friend that drives an absolute shit box (think something like a 98 Chevy Cavelier) that bitches about everyone driving slow even though the storms not that bad.  Pipe down asshole, a strong gust of wind could cause your car to break down,  you're lucky you even made it up the on ramp nevermind complaining about everyone else being cautious. 

Last Minute Gift Ideas? Try Tully Banta Cain Gear

All this time I thought Tully Banta Cain was just an all or nothing pass rusher for the New England Patriots.  I had no idea he had mogul aspirations the likes of which only Jay-Z and possibly Diddy can compare with. 

And for all I know his clothing line could be bigger than Polo by Ralph Lauren and his music the phattest sound I've ever heard.  But I don't know.  Because Tully's web design skills (or whoever he hired) aren't worth dick.   I'm not exactly bragging about my site, but at least my links work and its not full of empty pages. The guys rap name is Nova-Cain, yet the link on TullyBantaCain.Com is for www.Noca-cain.com.  That site doesn't exist, neither does the properly spelled Nova-Cain.com.  A quick google search does nothing to clear the issue up either.  As far as I can tell there is upwards of 5 fledgling (WEEI's words not mine, but its never a good thing to hear your music career described as fledgling) rappers using the name Nova Cain or some variation of it. 

As for the clothing line, Black Klown Clothier, well the site www.blacklownclothier.com doesn't exist either, but I did at least manage to track down the "Klothing" line elsewhere.  If you're in the market for an urban inspired T-shirt or members only type jacket this holiday season this may be just the site you were looking for. 

Gotta tighten up your Internet presence Tully, I know you've got time on the sidelines during obvious rushing downs, crack open a laptop and do some work.

Anyone Wake For the Total Lunar Eclipse Last Night?

Fox News - In 1638, Harvard University had just been founded, the Salem witch trials had yet to begin, Galileo had just lost his eyesight -- and the moon was blotted out by the shadow of the Earth.It was also the solstice, a celestial coincidence that wouldn't happen again for another 372 years. Not until tonight.  So break out the flashlights. Because when a full lunar eclipse takes place on the shortest day of the year, North America may get awfully dark.

No, I didn't either.  Know why I didn't care about this "once every 372 years event?" Because they always tell you it hasn't happened in "a ridiculously long time" despite the fact that it seems to happen every 6-9 months.  Cut the shit.  Seriously every time there is an eclipse all the news outlets freak out and start spouting on about how this its a once in a life time event.  No its not.  I'll catch it when it happens again in June.  I don't care if this one is slightly different than that one, I'm not standing out in my front yard with the frigen Hubble telescope, am I really going to notice the difference just by eye sight?  No. 

You know what is a once in a life time event? Halley's Comet.  Let me know when that comes around again, otherwise calm the hype down a bit.

Is This Very Ke$ha Christmas Video Real?

I guess not, the video is by College Humor so it's obviously a parody, but the fact that I had to stop and think about it for a second while I was watching it is all that really needs to be said about Kesha (yea I'm dropping the $ sign from her name from here forward, you're a blonde white girl, get over it).  Anytime a low budget parody of one of your songs can easily be confused for your actual song you've got to seriously question your artistic integrity.  

This got me thinking about all the weirdo-girl artists there are out there now.  Its like the bizarro late 90's where you had normal teen tart pop stars Britney, Christina, Mandy Moore, and probably a couple others that I've forgoten by now.  They've been replaced by a slew of weirdo "artists" Gaga, Kesha, Rihanna, Katy and even to a lesser extent Fergie  Just a really bizarre pop music scene right now full of horrendous outfits.  I may be swinging into Grumpy Old Man mode but I miss the days when pop stars were famous for their risque lyrics and their innocent looks that caught the attention of teens and pedophiles alike.  Now it seems like all you have to do is see how many odd ball props you can attach to a leotard and wait around for someone to notice.

Does this mean I don't secretly blast her songs when I'm by myself driving some where? No, I still do that, you know you do too.