Tuesday, December 7, 2010

People Actually Logged Federal Complaints Over Dancing With The Stars?

This grotesque display is what people should have been complaining about.
DECEMBER 6--In the days after Bristol Palin was voted into the finals of “Dancing with the Stars,” viewers from across the country wrote to the Federal Communications Commission accusing the ABC show of everything from running a “payola type program” to “encouraging and promoting teen pregnancy.” Many of the complainants, whose letters were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, were upset that, as one Oregonian put it, “the top scores were voted off yet Sarah Palin’s daughter remained on...One viewer from Pittsburgh alleged that the show’s voting system had been “fixed by extreme supporters of the Tea Party and Radical Right-Wing. I find that it has become a political platform for Sarah Palin to improve her image and ooze her political slime.” The aggrieved correspondent continued, “Bristol is not a star, what did she do, she had sex and got pregnant. Lets reward her…I made several call to ABC’s complaint line and I hope that their phone lines melt. It has become a political movement, with Tea Party websites instructing on how to vote for Bristol. Ridiculousness!”

This is why our country is going down the shitter right now.  How hardcore of a fan (and by default big of a loser) do you have to be to write the FCC about a fucking celebrity dance show.  Yeah maybe some of the people had good points, Palin is clearly whoring out her daughter, Bristol fits no ones definition of a celebrity (really ABC, a knocked up teenager is a celebrity now?), and though I didn't watch, by all accounts she was an atrocious dancer.  But people you have to wake the hell up.  

The country is in gigantic debt, the government is in a deadlocked mess and not helping, unemployment levels are floating at an ourtrageously high 9% (and in reality are probably over 10%) and this is what you guys are all up in arms about?  Makes me think we should just start this country over from the ground up.  We've went horribly wrong some where if people are this fucking dumb.  And yes I'm pissed off.  I wish the FCC kept a list of each and every person who bothered to write in about DWTS or any other reality show conspiracy and just booted those malcontent idiots to Guantanamo for being jack asses.  I'm legitimately angered right now, great way to start off the day.

Another Horrible Day In History For The Working Man

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday announced a deal with Republican leaders that would extend Bush-era tax cuts for two years and unemployment benefits for 13 months while also lowering the payroll tax by two percentage points for a year..."It's not perfect," Obama said of the plan, which also would continue tax breaks for students and families contained in the 2009 stimulus bill and allow businesses to write off all investments they make next year. "We cannot play politics at a time when the American people are looking for us to solve problems."

Look, I completely respect that last statement by Obama and I wish that more politicians would act on that belief, after all that's what they're elected for in the first place.  So while I can't fault him for trying here, I will fault him for continuing smack the working lower to middle class in face.  13 more weeks of federal unemployment? On top of the previously agreed upon 99? On top of the 26 state funded weeks of unemployment that have to be exhausted prior to collecting federal?  So if my math is correct, that's 138 weeks of unemployment eligibility.  

That's more than two and a half years of free money and its an outrage to myself and other low-middle class workers.  It's not that I'm not sympathetic to the jobless, I understand that its tough right now.  It's that depending on when you were laid off, I've worked for only slightly more money than you for over two years now.  How is this possible?  Are unemployment benefits really that good? Is the gov't paying more than McJobs, Wal-Mart clerks, or construction jobs? Because I find it very hard to believe there are people out there who haven't been able to find just one job for over two years.  Don't insult my intelligence. I know its more likely that there are thousands of people just collecting unemployment and ignoring offers for actual work because unemployment pays just as well and they think the work is beneath them.  If the government doesn't think this is happening then we've elected a bunch of people far dumber than we could have ever imagined.  If they're aware of it then they're complicit in robbing the working man because they certainly haven't done anything to address this issue.

Cut unemployment wages, or cut the time someone can be on them.  Two and a half years and no job improvement to be seen should be a clear enough sign that the system in place is not fostering job growth.  You're right Obama, the American people are looking for you to solve problems, but the solution is definitely not more of the same.  Where is that change we were all promised?

This Explains So Much

I want to try and be as delicate as I can to not offend any of my Far East readers so here it is; Asians in America are bad drivers, right up there with Canadians, cabbies and women.  And this video makes it so much more understandable.  I know it's just a stereotype and stereotypes are dangerous, blah, blah, blah. I get it, but when you see video evidence that it is in their culture to just outright make U-Turns on the Highway and track back to the previous exit it gets pretty hard to ignore that there may be some relevancy to the stereotype.  

Just saying, if you're ever in Canada and hop in a cab to see an Asian woman you may want to start calling your loved ones because that's probably your final ride (and anyone that thinks that situation is far fetched has never been to the casino in Montreal). 

Patriots Collectively Stomp Jets Assholes In

Rex Ryan: "Its the biggest butt whupping I've ever taken as a coach"

That's an understatement, probably set a record for biggest but whupping, sadly it will only stand until the next Jets loss as you can be sure Rex is going to eat his weight in misery and depression after that national embarrassment.  Rest assured Rex your ass will be even bigger the next time you lose.

And just to pile on, the crowd wasn't yelling "Overrated"  at the end of the game, they were chanting Over-Weight at your tub of lard ass. 

PS: Hey, remember when the Jets traded up to get Sanchez? That was funny.