Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Korean Rapper's Horse Dance is Complete Fraud

First off, for regular followers, I'll be back full time either tomorrow or Thursday, took a hiatus for real work, then took a vacation, and frankly then I just got lazy for a week or so. But I'm back and ready to go. Secondly, let's not toss all the credit to this Korean Rapper for this Horse Dance...I'm pretty sure if we could dig up archival video footage from Sissy K's or Ned Devines circa 2004-06 you'd see a young CW throwing down with those moves...in fact, the horse move is basically all I've got. Didn't matter the beat, style of music, nothing. Castles in the Sky? Horse Dance. Apache by the Sugar Hill Gang? Horse Dance like you wouldn't believe. Summer of 69? Absolutely, Horse Dance. Only difference was the crowd. Instead of a bunch of South Korean dorks applauding me there were a bunch of Faneuil Hall Juice monkeys either laughing or paying no attention whatsoever.