Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Meanwhile in New Hampshire...

My Fox - A new year brings some interesting new proposals in the Granite State. Among them: the perfume bill, which would ban state employees who interact with the public from wearing any scents. Another state rep is pushing for a vegetarian diet for state prisoners, students to stand during the pledge of allegiance and jurors to be paid $80 a day. And another representative wants to give people with vegetable gardens a $75 property tax cut.

Vegan Prisoners, Bodily Odored Politicians, and rich-ass jurors, welcome to the Granite State. Way to tackle the tough issues guys, like figuring out how to fund your public schools, or closing that budget deficit for 2012...Tossing out tax cuts for Rabbit the Carrot farmer from Winnie the Pooh should do the trick.  Or how about adding that extra lane to I-93 that you've been working on for a legitimate 10 year period at this point? It's one lane fellas, get your shit together. There's no excuse for why a major highway drops down to TWO lanes when it hits your border. None. All the pledge of allegiances and malnourished prisoners in the land aren't going to tackle that issue for you.