Wednesday, May 4, 2011

British Doctors Freeze Baby then Bring it Back To Life

Get ready buddy, they're bringing you back!

(NewsCore) - PETERBOROUGH, England -- A stillborn baby was brought back from the "dead" after doctors froze her body for three days, British media reported Thursday...This had restricted baby Ella's oxygen and blood supply, with doctors working for 25 minutes to revive her before they detected a heartbeat, Metro newspaper reported. With fears her brain would be damaged, Ella was taken to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, where her body temperature was lowered to below the level at which hypothermia occurs...The pioneering procedure protects against brain damage by forcing the organ to repair itself, according to The Sun. After three days, Ella's temperature was gradually returned to normal and the miracle tot was allowed home only eight days later.

Holy Shit, it's happened! They're going to bring back Ted Williams (well once they figure out how to reattach his head)!

This is it people, get excited, immortality for all.  Think of the possibilities, wake up with a brutal hangover on Saturday? Set yourself to freeze for like 3 hours until it passes.  Horrible case of the flu? Take a weeks cryogenic vacation, you won't miss a beat.  Got the HIV? Well, actually, you're still going to have to wait on that one, sorry.  But we can freeze you until we figure it out if you'd like.

My only qualm, why did they test this on a baby? I'd like to know this works on a full size human before I go personally testing it out.  You're telling me they couldn't find a homeless guy willing to volunteer for this for like $20k?  I saw a bum trying to sell used Iphone car chargers on the side of the road today, weirdest thing I've ever seen, pretty sure you could have offered that guy five grand and he would have jumped at the chance.  Plus they're homeless, they froze their asses off all winter, so they're used to it.  Less chance of negative side effects like hypothermia and frost bite bothering them, you'd think.