Monday, February 7, 2011

If You're Fat Chances Are You Can Blame Your Mom

(CNN) -- The length of a mother's employment is associated with an increase in her child's body mass index, according to a study in the journal Child Development...Morrissey and her co-authors observed the increase in children's BMI -- which, at third grade, was approximately a 1-pound gain for every six months the child's mother worked. The weight gain was cumulative and the link became stronger as the children matured into fifth- and sixth-grade in the analysis of 900 children.These types of studies upset Susan Wenner Jackson, who blogs on Working moms against guilt."I get sick of all these studies coming out that seem to say being a working mom equals harming your children," she said. "I've seen a bunch of them -- the kids don't get as much attention, they aren't good readers."

Hey guy, I don't think your mom working 40 hours a week when you were 6 has anything to do with you polishing off that Double Quarter Pounder and large fries as your late night snack when you're in your 20's.

Is it just me or is there a new reason why kids grow up fat dealing with their mothers every 9 months? My mom didn't breast feed me, my mom works full time, my mom drives an ice cream truck and brings her work home. When will the madness end. Are fat people the only ones running studies in this country? Because the studies never point the finger at themselves. Like maybe instead of playing Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on Nintendo you should have got outside and played wiffle ball growing up.  And instead of sitting at home wallowing about how your mom made you fat now you could take a walk or join a gym?

Personally, if I had to blame anyone, I'd blame the schools.  All these initiatives about every child being special and anti-bullying programs are making kids soft and mushy in the mid-section.  I'm not that old but I remember a distinct change from when I was a 3rd grader to when I was a 7th or 8th grader.  3rd grade we all had to pass Presidential fitness programs and anyone who didn't was roundly mocked and picked on, gym teachers turned a blind eye. And you know what, those kids passed the next time.  Wedgies as a motivator cannot be overstated at that age.  7th and 8th grade rolled around and suddenly we weren't allowed to play dodge ball anymore, and if kids wanted to walk or opt out of the 15 minute jog around the fields they could just take a check-minus for the day.  Think about that. You couldn't even fail kids for not participating in gym, you just gave them a check-minus.  And no one thinks that gives fat kids the wrong lesson?