Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Guess God is an Apple Fanboy?

(FOX 25 / - The Catholic Church has given its seal of approval approval of an iPhone application called Confession. The BBC reports the app was developed by a US technology company and takes information from the user, including age, gender and time elapsed since their last confession to create a personalized examination of conscience.  The launch comes shortly after Pope Benedict XVI gave urging to Christians to embrace digital communication and make their presence felt online. In his World Communications Address on 24 January, he said it was not a sin to use social networking sites - and particularly encouraged young Catholics to share important information with each other online.

Well Apple has officially won, you can't get a better endorsement than the official smartphone of God. Just can't be out done.  From this day forth Catholics will bless themselves , "The father, The son, The Holy iOS. The first and second readings of the Apostles (these are segments during Mass for the heathens amongst my readers) will now be referred to as the iReading 1.0 and iReading2.0. Instead of shaking hands during the peace offering, church goers will be required to send out a quick iChat message.

For those of you who think I'm too cynical, notice I didn't make one reference to Catholic priests just using the app to gather age/sex/location info on younger church goers...well until now anyway.